
letter to the editor

 Why I believe workforce housing is an unfair selling point for Rockport’s Article 3.

I Have worked in Rockport for over 20 years and have been fortunate enough to live in town with my…

letter to the editor

The South Thomaston Auxiliary is a private nonprofit corporation chartered by the South Thomaston Selectboard after a vote at the 2022 Town Meeting.  Its…

letter to the editor

In our view, the opposition to this ballot initiative has mischaracterized the facts and failed to recognize the real issue - what is Rockport's vision for its future as a vibrant, thriving…

The members of the Rockport Garden Club would like to thank the community for supporting our annual plant sale and making it such a great success. As always, we are also very grateful to the…

letter to the editor

I grew up and live in Camden. I am realizing now that I am one of those “elders and a local” that have seen many changes in town over my lifetime. But I am not writing…

letter to the editor

Many of you know me, as much as I’ve been in the media for the last 30 years between television and radio interviews and publications and papers.

I’m a 66-year-old transsexual lesbian by…

letter to the editor

I am writing to express my support for John Viehman's candidacy for selectman. I have known John for more than 25 years, and while we may not agree on every issue, I can confidently say that he is…

letter to the editor

Over the past several months, I have watched and/or attended several meetings of the Budget Committee and Select Board. It is my firm belief that spending is out of…


South School (RSU 13), in keeping with an annual tradition, celebrated the nearing end of the school year with a delightful family picnic on May 31. Students, parents, and staff enjoyed a…


ROCKLAND — On June 2, students and adults gathered at 325 Old County Road to participate in the annual 5K to support Trekkers. The day was clear and sunny with a slight breeze, perfect for the 77…

letter to the editor
A recent mailing to all Rockport residents promoted voting Yes on Article #3 in the upcoming election.
The mailing stated (in bold red type) that there was a 73%…

In the debate over Article 3, a proposal asking Rockport residents to commit $52 million for a new wastewater treatment facility and sewer extension, we have heard from the Rockport Select Board…

letter to the editor

Having received my glossy, expensive Annual Report, I would like to take issue with the Superintendent’s boast that “…academic achievement on state testing was particularly strong last spring.”…


Our annual TGS Spring Fine Arts Night was held on Thursday, May 30. What an amazing night full of music and art!  
There was art hung throughout the building featuring a variety of…

letter to the editor

I’m voting NO on Question 3, because I’m for workforce housing in Rockport. Not just because the $51,891,708 bond will cost my business more annually.  Not just because I…

letter to the editor

Despite what you may be reading on every street corner in town, the decision whether to build a wastewater treatment plant in Rockport is not about mythical cooperation with Camden. It is about…

letter to the editor

I am a proud Rockland native, and after 20 years of living away, moved back home in 2002 and built a home in South Thomaston.

letter to the editor

There has been much commentary online and elsewhere about the various ordinance amendments voters are being…


For two years now, Thomaston had huge turnouts at the polls and at last year’s town meeting. Why? Because the former…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #boothbay register, #jeff and allison wells, #birds, #maine, #hog island, #osprey

Imagine a place on the Maine coast where your dinner conversation might range from talking with an Indigenous Guardian about the experience of living and working in a remote First Nation in…

letter to the editor

South Thomaston is on the cusp of receiving just over $3 million in federal and private grants to construct a modern library and…

letter to the editor

Today I filled out my absentee ballot at the Camden Town Office, and it saddened me to have to check “NO” beside Articles 8, 9, 10 – the ordinance changes effectively banning new residential,…

letter to the editor

This June the Maine Psychological Association (MePA) shares our PRIDE by showing our support and celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community across the state of Maine.
The Pride celebration…

letter to the editor

Months ago, the Camden Planning Board started investigating the issue of Short Term Rentals (STR) in Camden. They began with a statement of goals and concerns. The goal…

letter to the editor

My name is Steve Migliorini and I am a candidate for the two-year seat on Union’s Select Board.  As a business owner for over 35 years, I understand the…

letter to the editor

In early April, the Camden Select Board held a much anticipated public hearing on proposed short term rental regulations (STRs).  That evening, the French Conference Room was packed with citizens…


After numerous intense storm events, it is evident that Camden needs to move forward now with a plan of action to address climate changes as they affect our town,…

letter to the editor
How many of us have any idea of what 52 million dollars looks like?  It’s a lot.  It would easily set up generations of one family and heirs forever, as would a million dollar jackpot.…

ROCKLAND — South School was delighted to welcome celebrated author Stephanie Mulligan for an engaging and educational Author Night this May. Mulligan presented her popular interactive read-aloud…


On June 11, Warren and Union residents will be able to vote on ordinance changes that regulate and control metallic…

letter to the editor

Rockport voters will soon decide on a $52 million bond for our sewer system, and it's crucial that our decisions are based on accurate and comprehensive information. Unfortunately, the information…

letter to the editor
Having served Rockport in the capacity of Select Board member for four terms decades ago I what see in Denise Munger and Michelle Hannan are Rockport’s best option to lead the town over the next…
letter to the editor

I urge Rockport voters to vote No On Article 3, which would otherwise allow the Town to build a $…

letter to the editor

I am writing in support of Denise Munger for Rockport Select Board. She is one of the most dedicated and hard working…

letter to the editor

Nordic Aquaculture going "scorched earth" by suing the city of Belfast is a path to winning "hearts and minds" of Belfast citizens? 

Norway must operate with a different cultural ethic …

letter to the editor

As a resident of Belfast, I am disappointed - but not surprised - to hear that Nordic Aquafarms filed a lawsuit against the City of…

letter to the editor

At the May 27 Rockport Select Board meeting, several Rockport residents addressed the assertion that the town's…

letter to the editor

As a lifelong resident of Rockport and Camden, a third-generation owner of a Main Street business, and having been on multiple town committees over the years, I would like…


By now, Rockport residents are used to seeing the Rockport Resource newsletter arrive in their mailboxes a few times each year. Launched in 2020, the stated intention of the taxpayer-funded…

letter to the editor

Article 3 on the 2024 Town Meeting Warrant asks Rockport taxpayers to commit nearly $52 million to a new wastewater…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #boothbay register, #a bird’s tale, #jeff and allison wells, #maine, #birds, #willow ptarmigan

There is no doubt that the sight of an all-white, chicken-sized bird with feathered feet walking around on the ground somewhere here on the coast of Maine in spring would make just about anyone…

letter to the editor

Camden has a wealth of worthy candidates for the two open positions on the Select Board—so much so that it may be difficult to choose. Even so, after considering them all, I’ve made my selection.…

letter to the editor
I’m writing to offer my support for the reelection of Jan Dodge to the Legislature, serving Belfast, Northport and Belmont.
Jan has successfully served three terms in…
letter to the editor
Some of our Select Board candidates have spoken about the importance of legacy.  I'm reflecting on the unique legacy left to us by our predecessors in the form of our enchanting…

Having read pretty much everything printed about this issue, I’m remembering the following.

Many years ago when need for a new high school was made clear, heavy pressure was put on local…

letter to the editor

 I plan to vote against Rockport’s Warrant Article 3 for two primary reasons.

First, the Town of Rockport commissioned an independent group of…

letter to the editor

Two candidates for Camden’s Select Board falsely state there have been a lack of opportunities for community input on how we go forward with the Megunticook River. Other claims about the…

letter to the editor

May own thinking is that there may be two years, at best, of viable snow for the use of the ski…

letter to the editor

FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. It is by far the oldest, and even today, the most used sales tactic to invoke a desired response.  Our most recent example of this is Article 3, the proposed…

letter to the editor

A lot of clever yard signs this election. Makes you want to just vote for the best jokey saying.…