letter to the editor

Camden articles 5, 6 and 7 convoluted and unnecessarily controlling

Sun, 06/09/2024 - 8:30pm

I grew up and live in Camden. I am realizing now that I am one of those “elders and a local” that have seen many changes in town over my lifetime. But I am not writing to reminisce but rather writing as I am very alarmed and disappointed by the well-intentioned but misguided Camden Planning Board’s Articles 5, 6 and 7.

Reading them makes me think and feel like I am living in Florida in a gated community run by an HOA Board. These articles are so convoluted and unnecessarily controlling. They were written to supposedly promote a movement towards affordable housing for renters, or protection of the Bed and Breakfasts and Inns, and fight against the trend of people wanting to rent a house for a week on their vacation in a family environment at a reasonable price.

But Articles 5, 6 and 7 attack the homeowners of Camden who are trying to be able to pay for their house and taxes by a short-term rentals during the limited summer season, of which I am one. I believe that towns need reasonable limits set by public boards that manage safety and create certain standards that govern the community’s quality of life. But these new rules will not help with what they purport they will do.

When I go to vote I always look to see if an article has been supported by the Board, but I can tell you having been at the public hearing and watched how the confusion was managed and pushed through late into the night that endorsements this time will not influence me at all. Your support is needed when you go to vote remember Articles 5, 6 and 7 and please vote no.

Rolanda Klapatch lives in Camden