letter to the editor

A short goodbye

Wed, 07/03/2024 - 1:15pm

Out front, I want to say that I am an Independent voter as I don’t believe that the current two party system we live under is serving we the people.

The debate that many of us witnessed the other day was not an off night for President Biden. That was a look into his abilities when unscripted and without a teleprompter. He was a shell of his former self and left many of us aghast at how much he has aged.

We now know that there is a good reason why Biden’s handlers kept him from the annual interview at the Super Bowl. We are certain now as to why Biden has given the least number of press briefings of any President since Reagan. Reagan also had a reason to not do press interviews as he became less mentally able in his final years.

None of us can deny what we saw at the debate. Biden looked and acted like people we all know who are aged and losing their former powers. Not only did Biden have difficulty expressing what he wanted to communicate, “We finally beat Medicare”(?) but he let Trump get away with outlandish untruths over and over. A high school debate team member could have done better. 

This was not a one-off bad night as witnessed by Biden’s next day’s scripted stand up rally. He seems to not function ably when he can’t control the conversation. You don’t have a bad physicality day either. His body is old, we know what that looks like, and sadly his faculties are diminished as well. 

The Democratic party is now at a cross roads. Will they decide to be courageous and push Biden to resign from the race or will they be like the Republican party and opt to go with the candidate with the stranglehold of money and party infrastructure, despite the awful consequences? For anyone to suggest that taking the Presidential choice to the convention is undemocratic is kidding themselves. That outcome might be the best expression of a healthy Democracy.

For the Democrats to choose a candidate at the convention requires that Biden resign from the race. This is exactly what he should do immediately. Just imagine any of the other Democratic leaders at that debate. Whomever you see as possible, Newsom, Whitmer, Klobuchar, Phillips, Coons or Booker and on. Any one of them is eminently able and could have wiped the floor with Mr. Trump.  

Joe Biden should be thanked for beating Trump in 2020 and leading this country out of Covid and financial ruin but he has now passed his due date. The Democratic party needs to put country first and find the best choice to run against former President Trump.