letter to the editor

Don’t Be Fooled on the Numbers on Rockport Article 3

Fri, 06/07/2024 - 12:30pm
A recent mailing to all Rockport residents promoted voting Yes on Article #3 in the upcoming election.
The mailing stated (in bold red type) that there was a 73% increase in Camden rates for Rockport in the last five years.
Here are those actual payments - (Fiscal Year 2019-2020 -$251,768), (FY 2020-2021- $211,091), (FY 2021-2022 - $34,930), (FY 2022-2023- $43,000) and (FY 2023-2024 - $436,565).
It is easy to calculate a 73% by comparing the first and last year. However, it fails to mention that the Rockport Selectboard elected to withhold  payments to Camden from 2022 to 2023.
If these payments were made when due, the payment in 2023-2024 would have been substantially reduced and there would be no 73% increase over 5 years. $52 million dollars is a very large expense and Rockport voters should be provided accurate information before they cast their votes.
I urge voters to give some time to further research alternatives and not rush into building a stand alone Rockport Wastewater Treatment plant. Please vote NO on Article 3 on June 11.
Bill Freeman lives in Rockport