letter to the editor

The future of the former Gilford Butler School in South Thomaston

Tue, 06/04/2024 - 4:00pm

South Thomaston is on the cusp of receiving just over $3 million in federal and private grants to construct a modern library and community center at the site of the former Gilford Butler School. This new building is envisioned to be energy efficient and will include a large meeting room and kitchen. It will serve this town well for the next 50, perhaps 70, years. This is an incredible opportunity!

But what seems even more incredible is that we, as a town, actually may throw this opportunity away if at our upcoming annual town meeting article 27 is approved.

This article, included in the meeting warrant as a result of a citizen petition, directs town officials to "change course" in regards to Gilford Butler; presumably from the June  2021 town meeting directive to "plan and fund raise" for construction of a new building pursuant to the Gilford Butler Futures Committees Report recommendation.

Time and space prevent me from restating here the multiple additional reasons why this article should be resoundingly defeated.

But I will say that if South Thomaston votes to approve this article it will in effect be rejecting these funds and this once in a lifetime opportunity. Such a decision will be a disservice to both current and future generations and will undoubtedly be regretted for decades to come. 

Hope to see you at Town Meeting at 7 p.m. on June 18 at the Ash Point Community School.

John Spear lives in South Thomaston