letter to the editor

Steve Migliorini for Union Select Board

Tue, 06/04/2024 - 12:45pm

My name is Steve Migliorini and I am a candidate for the two-year seat on Union’s Select Board.  As a business owner for over 35 years, I understand the value of good leadership, and the importance of working as a team when it comes to problem solving and decision making.  I have been able to apply this knowledge throughout my adult life while serving on numerous community-based boards and committees.  I embrace the importance of being involved with my community and giving back.

I am a careful and thoughtful listener, and I value the public’s input at select board meetings.  I am always objective in my decision making and considerate of varied viewpoints.  I ask a lot of questions, and I’m not afraid to pursue the answers needed for making thoughtful and informed decisions.  As a select board member, I will respect the wishes of the community.  Your votes cast for warrant or referendum articles are to be honored by the town and implemented in a timely and fiscally responsible way. 

During my campaign, I have enjoyed talking with Union voters, and engaging in open discussion about your thoughts and concerns, which has reaffirmed for me that you really care about our town.  I am optimistic and see a bright future for Union that still preserves Union’s unique rural character, and I want to serve the community to help realize that vision.

I believe it really in the citizens of Union who know what is best for their town and I will trust your judgement.  I ask that you trust mine, and elect me to serve on Union’s Select Board for the next two years.

Thank you for your kind consideration on election day, Tuesday, June 11.

Steve Migliorini, candidate for Union Select Board, lives in Union