letter to the editor

Two outstanding candidates for Camden Select Board: Stephanie French and Ken Gross

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 9:15pm

As a lifelong resident of Rockport and Camden, a third-generation owner of a Main Street business, and having been on multiple town committees over the years, I would like to share my views on the upcoming election of select board members.

After watching the Candidates’ Forum, it was clear to me that we are very fortunate to have two outstanding candidates: Stephanie French, who is running for re-election, and Ken Gross.

Stephanie has proven herself to be a strong advocate for Camden residents, researches each issue carefully, and is mindful of always putting the wishes of the community first. I appreciate her insistence on transparency from the select board and town administration.

Ken, a longtime Camden Public Library program director, and lifelong Camden resident, brings a wealth of knowledge of the history of the town and a real concern for the future of our community. His willingness to listen intently to people’s concerns coupled with his understanding of the background of town issues, make him an excellent choice for this board.

Important decisions must be made in concert with the townspeople and must reflect the wishes of the greater community. Not only do we need – and deserve – transparency, we need the chance to make our wishes known and to be given the opportunity to vote on issues before decisions are made that affect us all.

Please vote – it matters!

Meg Quijano lives in Camden