letter to the editor

Vote for the facts in Camden

Tue, 05/28/2024 - 12:00pm

Two candidates for Camden’s Select Board falsely state there have been a lack of opportunities for community input on how we go forward with the Megunticook River. Other claims about the Montgomery Dam and the river have been made with no factual credibility.

Does this concern you coming from those running for office who should understand the public process for input and who we entrust to honor facts?

Facts on Opportunities for Public Input:

* Every SB meeting has time for public comment on items not on the agenda.

* When the river has been on the Select Board agenda, there has been time for public input.

* Email addresses of our Select Board members are on the town website.

* Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee (MRCAC) contact information is available.

* A kickoff meeting for a Montgomery Dam feasibility study was held on April 23, 2018, which  included business owners and community members.

* SIX public input sessions were held in 2021 and one held in person at Harbor Park.

* All MRCAC meetings are open to the public with open mic session at the end.

* Stakeholder interviews were done early on and continue. Results are given to MRCAC.

* Presentations held with input for several groups such as The Megunticook Watershed Association (open to the public.)

* A 2022 presentation held by Tony Grassi input on a possible river compromise plan.

* Our Public Works Director led a tour of the dams for the public.

* Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee conducted an email. community survey.

* Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee held a booth at the Farmers’ Market.

I have listened to public input at meetings, read letters to editors, heard input loud and clear. Listening doesn’t mean agreeing or not agreeing with what is heard. Added to all the input to date, we will also have the recommendation of the MRCAC from their extensive study of the facts. Thank you, committee for all your hard work. 

Facts matter. One fact two candidates never mention: if the Montgomery Dam stays, we the taxpayer will foot the bill for repairs, maintenance and any flood damage caused by damming up the river. When the time comes to give input with our vote on the river, facts matter.

Vote for Susan Dorr and Sophie Romana. They listen, research, trust the experts, work with facts and will accept the recommendations of MRCAC for our vote.

Stephanie Smith lives in Camden