The Purpose of Ministry by Roy Roden

Wed, 10/09/2024 - 10:24

      The goal of every Christian is to have their life in the Lord. It’s all about relationships. To know His voice, abide in His love, and be immersed in the glorious light of His life, giving presence (Isaiah 60:1-3). From this relationship, the anointing of the Holy Spirit flows like a river.

   Christ is a person who desires that we personally know Him, the greatest of His power, the depth of His amazing love, and the wonders of His glory (Ephesians 1:17-19). Without this, no matter how anointed and blessed we proclaim our preaching and teaching are, they are like clouds without rain, words void of power and demonstration of the Spirit. 

   The purpose of ministry is to minister in the power of the Spirit that gives witness to Christ, who has risen as Lord of Lords and King of Kings (Acts 4:33). The message and ministry that Christ gave to us is to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom which is at hand. To be at hand means it is as close as your hands. That’s because we have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, who has anointed us to do the works that Jesus did. The message of the Kingdom” at hand” is verified by the supernatural ministry of the Spirit. Jesus said, 

   And as you go, preach (proclaim) saying, The Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received (Of the Holy Spirit) freely give” (Mathew 10:7-8). 

    When the focus is on Jesus, angels are present as ministering spirits, the atmosphere is charged with the presence of the Lord, and the Holy Spirit moves to minister to the people. Healing occurs; the deaf hear, the blind see, the lame walk, broken hearts are healed, and the demonically oppressed are set free.” Seeing His Son glorified and magnified in the midst of His people brings glory to God.  

  It is all about our relationship with the Father and His Son. God is love. Those who abide in His love dwell in God and God in him (1 John 4:16). It is this union of love relationship where the power flows from His love. Seek to minister with His heart in His love, and you will find the Holy Spirit moving in power that reveals His love. This is the true purpose of ministry, which is the reveal Christ and His love in the power and demonstration of the Spirit. Without love, we are merely making a lot of noise (1 Corinthians 13:1-5). 

    Our call is to know and love the anointed one, the Lord Jesus Christ, from whom all ministry flows. Nothing else will do, nor should it. He is the primary desire of our hearts and our first love. “

    In His heart and love- Roy Roden

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