letter to the editor

Vote yes on Rockport Article 3

Mon, 06/10/2024 - 8:15am

In our view, the opposition to this ballot initiative has mischaracterized the facts and failed to recognize the real issue - what is Rockport's vision for its future as a vibrant, thriving community twelve months a year?  
Please vote yes on Question 3 and pass this info along to voting friends in Rockport!

Rockport's future needs to be in its own hands, not controlled by Camden and tied to a 54 year old obsolete sewage treatment system running on fumes and
polluting Penobscot Bay with its increasingly toxic discharge...the DEP has already told Camden it cannot accept additional waste for treatment from a Route 90 sewer extension.  

Camden's Town Manager has made this clear, writing 'Camden is currently under an administrative consent agreement with DEP because we frequently exceed our permitted capacity during rain events.

Voting YES means supporting new affordable workforce housing and jobs, especially along the Route 90 corridor and at Ingraham Corner, a designated
'village growth' area under the town's Comprehensive Plan and the special 'Traditional Village Ordinance'. It means insuring that our schools will be filled with the children of these families for decades to come. It means casting a vote in favor of a sustainable, healthy, diverse working economy for Rockport and the entire Midcoast.  Without the sewer extension, none of this responsible growth is possible. 
If you'd like to see Rockport continue to attempt to work out a solution with Camden, then you can also vote YES on 15, but keep in mind that Rockport officials have been trying to do this for five years without success, there is no similar initiative on Camden's ballot and any delay in building the sewer extension threatens the potential for workforce housing for families and new jobs for Rockport and the Midcoast. 
Time is money and further delays may prove fatal.
A healthy vision for the future of our year-round community needs to look beyond the 4-month tourist economy and include significant new job opportunities and housing for working families.
If not now, when?
Richard Aroneau, lives in Camden and Richard Remsen lives in Rockport