
Frequently Asked Questions about the Megunticook River:  Flooding and Water Levels

Sat, 06/01/2024 - 10:15pm

After numerous intense storm events, it is evident that Camden needs to move forward now with a plan of action to address climate changes as they affect our town, the harbor and the Megunticook River.  The Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee (MRCAC)  is a town sanctioned committee whose purpose is to provide recommendations to the Select Board for preserving and improving the sustainability and resiliency for the Megunticook River and its watershed.  We are a group of nine residents with diverse opinions, hopefully representative of the residents of Camden.  We have learned a lot and continue to learn more every day.

In November, residents of Camden may be voting on options for the Montgomery Dam.  Currently we are talking with abutters, stakeholders, and interested citizens about their concerns and choices for moving forward. We would like to share what we have learned to date. To begin, the following is a list of our FAQs addressing flooding and water levels from our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on flooding and water levels are listed below. 

Answers to these questions are on this link:  Frequently Asked Questions | Megunticook River Watershed Project or Megunticook River Watershed Project; FAQs.

  • Is flooding currently an issue in the Megunticook River watershed?
  • How do the dams impact flood risk and water levels?
  • What effects will climate change and sea level rise have on flooding and water levels for the Megunticook River watershed?
  • Would dam removal at lower dams impact the water level in Megunticook Lake?
  • How does the current storm water infrastructure contribute to flooding of the river and will stormwater and nonpoint source pollution be considered as the Town prioritizes decisions about the river?


Because the responses to these questions are complex and can’t be summarized in simple soundbites, we encourage you to use the link provided below to explore the answers. 

Upcoming op/eds will cover dams, maintenance and costs; fish passage and habitats; historical and cultural considerations; and project administration and coordination.

We hope this series will help to answer your questions and provide reference points to guide your understanding of the Megunticook River and its dams in preparation for your vote on Montgomery dam in November.

If you can’t wait, find all the questions and answers on our website in the FAQ section.  It’s chock full of interesting information.  If you have additional questions, please let us know.  Our recommendation will only be as good as the input we get from you. 

Thank you for taking time to explore the information that is important for developing a plan of action.


Members of the Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee

  • Raymond Andresen 
  • Courtney Cease
  • Deborah Chapman
  • Lynette (Elphie) Owen
  • Ellen Reynolds 
  • Tyler Smith 
  • Seth Taylor 
  • Richard Thackeray 
  • Susan Todd