letter to the editor

Scott Cuddy is best choice to represent District 37 in House of Representatives

Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:00pm

We support Scott Cuddy to represent the citizens in District 37. We have known Scott since he was a child growing up in our neighborhood. Scott is a smart, thoughtful and concerned member of our community and will work hard to make life better for us all.

Scott has a proven record and experience in the House, having passed several bills with bipartisan support in his last term to promote economic development, maritime education and bring construction jobs to Maine.

Scott is committed to Maine for the long term and has gotten involved in the community by serving on the school board for multiple terms, attending town council meetings and speaking out and standing up for issues that will bring economic prosperity and quality of life to all people.

Cuddy is in favor of common-sense development to construct offshore wind power.  This will continue his work on environmental issues to combat climate change as well as bring blue-collar, well-paying jobs to our region. Cuddy supports issues that are important to us including education, the environment and women’s rights.

We strongly believe that Scott Cuddy is the best choice to represent District 37 in the House of Representatives. He will work hard to improve the quality of life for all the citizens of Maine. 

Connie and Doug Ronco live in Winterport