A new day, a second chance...

Ben Hazen tapped as Lincolnville's new fire chief

Tue, 06/04/2013 - 1:15pm

    LINCOLNVILLE — Lincolnville has a new fire chief, and his is a familiar face to many in the community. Ben Hazen, who has been serving most recently as deputy fire chief, was appointed by the board of selectmen Monday night to fill the chief's job, left vacant recently by Jason Peasley.

    Peasley is the new fire chief in Rockport, following the retirement of long-serving Fire Chief Bruce Woodward. Selectmen accepted Peasley's resignation Monday night, and in January, members of Lincolnville Volunteer Fire Department Inc. will vote to confirm Hazen's appointment, unless someone else requests to be considered. 

    This is not the first time Hazen has worn the white helmet in Lincolnville. In January 2008 Hazen was voted in as fire chief by the department. He took over the job from Mike Eugley, who had been serving as fire chief since 1994.

    But Hazen stepped down the from the job in November 2010, at the time citing tensions between him and others involved with the nonprofit Lincolnville Volunteer Fire Department Inc. Hazen wrote in a letter to the Lincolnvlle selectmen, which was discussed in executive session Nov. 17, 2010, that the Lincolnville Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors was often the source of tension, unwanted hard feelings and arguments between the group and him.

    Hazen wrote that at the time, resolving issues among the group had become nearly impossible.

    Asked what's difference today than in 2010, Hazen said, "It's all about second chances, working harder than I did before. Some things have changed on the fire department, but especially some things have changed with me."

    After stepping down as chief two and a half years ago, Hazen continued on with the department as a firefighter, eventually becoming deputy chief under then-deputy chief Peasley, who had taken over as chief when Hazen resigned.

    Hazen said it has continued to be a "great bunch of guys" to work with, and this time around they want to help him succeed.

    "I have gone through some life-changing experiences over the past two years, and I think that everyone deserves second chances, myself included," said Hazen. "I have missed the job over the past couple of years and I'm happy to stand up and do it again."

    Hazen credited Peasley with bringing the department up to where it is today, including being current on training, and he said he wants to keep the group moving in the good direction they are going.

    Back in 2008, when Hazen accepted the white helmet from his good friend Eugley, it was camaraderie that would smooth the transition and keep Eugley on the department as a firefighter. And despite the bumps in the road for Hazen during his tenure, Eugley remains on the department along with many of the town's long-serving firefighters.

    "Camaraderie is strong here, we are all friends, all of us. We can get together and have a beer, and have dinner with each other's families and we work really well together. We know where each other are all the time, we are very close. I don't have to say a lot in this department, if something needs to be done, someone is always there to just do it," said Hazen. "I have gotten pledges of help and that's what will make this special this time. It's a great group working for the town. We don't do it for the money, we do it because we love doing it and we love the town."

    Hazen said his excitement is coupled with the challenge of showing that he's the "right guy for the job."

    "I believe this is what I was made to do, expect of course making beer, I was made to do that too," said Hazen.

    [When he's not responding to fire calls or accidents, Ben Hazen can be found brewing and bottling beer on High Street in Lincolnville at Andrew's Brewing Company, which he co-owns and operates with his father, Andy Hazen.]

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    Editorial Director Holly S. Edwards can be reached by email at hollyedwards@penbaypilot.com or by calling 207-706-6655.