Vote No on Rockport’s Article 3 and Vote Yes on Article 15

Mon, 05/13/2024 - 11:00am

On June 11, Rockport voters are being asked to approve an enormous $38 million ($52 million with fees and interest!) initiative for a new stand-alone sewage treatment plant without sufficient analysis of the alternatives. In short, the standalone facility was presented, based on flawed assumptions, as our only option. 

While it is true that a Wastewater Task Force researched the technical issues of siting and operating a wastewater treatment plant, their focus was primarily on the engineering issues. They were NOT tasked with exploring a renewed partnership with the Town of Camden, which has managed Rockport’s wastewater for decades. 

In fact, during a presentation of the final Task Force report, one of its members openly questioned numerous projections related to future user fees in the report.

In response to the bond article (Article 3) being considered on the June ballot, hundreds of Rockport voters eagerly signed a petition imploring the Rockport Select Board to instead convene a task force to more thoroughly study the costs and benefits of continuing to work with Camden on wastewater treatment.

Our two-town-one-community is full of examples of successful municipal collaboration (schools, transfer station, water utility, shared Police Chief, shared Assessor, etc.), all of which is proof that collaboration can work to the mutual advantage of both Rockport and Camden.

Citizens should now strenuously demand that both Select Boards act in the best interest of the greater community. We strongly recommend a “NO” vote on Article 3 and a “YES” vote on Article 15.

Bottom line: A $52 million (!) project like this should not go forward until all due diligence is complete, all options are fully explored, and all information is made available for voters to decide.

Rockport Wastewater Working Group

Taylor Allen

Sam Temple

Steve Smith

Peter Ralston

Chip Bauer

Cheryl Liechty

Sally Cook

Tom Amory

Scott Gazelle

Dominic Cordisco

Philip Conkling