On the issues: Thomaston Select Board Candidate Emily McBrayer

Thu, 06/06/2024 - 11:15am
    Two Thomaston citizens, Kimberly Matthews and Emily McBrayer, have stepped forward to run for one open seat on the Thomaston Select Board. Voting will take place June 11 at the polls. 
    Penobscot Bay Pilot has posed questions to each candidate, providing the opportunity for the public to better understand their positions on issues.
    Here, candidate Emily McBrayer responds: 
    Please provide a biography of yourself.
    Yes, it’s true I’m not a Maine native. I’m originally from Tennessee and spent most of my life there outside of a few years in various parts of the country in my 20s. Most of my family is still in the south and without fail when I visit them, no matter how long the trip, I’m ready to come back to Maine. 
    Thomaston holds a special place in my heart. My partner, Eric, grew up here, and I fell in love with this town years ago because of him. The love people have for Maine and Thomaston is palpable, and I’m inspired by the sense of protection for our rich heritage.
    Although I’m new to town, I am committed to catching up on all the pressing issues and dedicating the time needed to make the best decisions for our community. Since relocating here in 2021, I have felt a stronger connection to this community than anywhere else I’ve lived. It’s time for me to step forward and bring fresh ideas and a renewed sense of purpose to our local government.
    So why do I want to be on the Select Board?
    My whole life has been spent taking care of people. My 20 year career as a Licensed Massage Therapist is focused on taking care of people. I started volunteering at a hospital as a candy striper (had the striped dress and all!) when I was 16. I’ve cared for several family members during illnesses and end of life. It’s what I do and it’s in my blood. 
    I didn’t expect to feel so attached to Thomaston, or any place, that I would WANT to do anything I could to help take care of it. To expend the time, effort, energy, and emotion to sign on for a job as intense as Select Board is something I don’t take lightly. 
    People wonder if I want to change Thomaston because I’m not from here. But nothing could be further from the truth. I love Thomaston, love everything about it from the community to the small town quirks to the old houses. It’s one of the great privileges of my life that I find myself here. I want Thomaston to stay Thomaston.
    What are Thomaston’s greatest strengths, and how do you hope to support them?
    Thomaston's greatest strength is its community. The sense of unity, care, and shared purpose among residents is what truly makes our town special. To harness and enhance this strength, we need more community engagement.
    Every resident deserves to know what’s happening in town hall, and I will advocate for greater openness and communication by prioritizing increased social media engagement and outreach to the community. This includes actively recruiting younger and newer members of the community to serve on boards and committees, ensuring a diverse representation of voices.
    Additionally, I will work to make meetings more accessible by scheduling them at convenient times and providing live-streaming options. To further foster engagement, I plan to host weekly livestreams to discuss relevant issues, upcoming votes, and town events. By taking these steps, we can ensure that every resident feels informed, involved, and empowered to contribute to our town's future.
    What are Thomaston’s greatest issues to address?
    Thomaston faces several challenges, including the need for affordable housing, maintaining and upgrading our infrastructure, and ensuring sustainable economic development. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach that includes updating zoning and land use ordinances, securing funding for infrastructure projects, and creating economic opportunities that benefit all residents. By focusing on these key areas, we can build a more resilient and thriving community.
    Thomaston has embarked on drafting a Waterfront Master Plan that will affect the waste water treatment facilities as well as Water Street and businesses along that street. What do you hope this plan accomplishes?
    The Waterfront Master Plan is a critical initiative that will impact our waste water treatment facilities and the businesses along Water Street. There are a few main goals we hope of this plan will accomplish:
    1. It will help modernize the existing infrastructure to better handle stormwater and wastewater, ensuring higher efficiency and environmental compliance. 
    2. In addition it will focus on revitalizing the waterfront area to enhance public access, improve environmental sustainability, and boost economic development. 
    Upgrading infrastructure to meet modern standards, supporting local businesses, and ensuring environmental sustainability would be the ultimate accomplishments. The plan should also involve community input to reflect the needs and aspirations of Thomaston's residents.

    How are you staying informed of Dragon Cement Plant’s future plans for its operations, quarries and associated land? And, how should the Select Board protect the town’s interests as Dragon Cement determines what its course of action will be?

    I stay informed about Dragon Cement Plant’s future plans through regular communication with plant representatives, attending public meetings, and staying updated with industry news. The Select Board, along with the town manager, have been and should continue to proactively engage with Dragon Cement to ensure that any future plans align with the town's interests, particularly regarding environmental impact, economic benefits, and community health. This includes advocating for responsible practices and ensuring that any changes do not negatively impact Thomaston.

    Appleton, Camden and Rockport have adopted the ballot-only method of holding town meeting by presenting voters at the polls with the municipal town meeting warrant, as opposed to holding traditional in-person town meetings with floor votes. Should Thomaston consider doing the same?

    I am in favor of adopting the ballot-only voting method, similar to what other towns like Appleton, Camden, and Rockport have implemented. This approach can increase voter participation and ensure that more residents have the opportunity to have their voices heard. By presenting the municipal town meeting warrant at the polls, we can streamline the decision-making process and make it more accessible to everyone in our community.
    A few of the reasons to shift to ballot only voting are:
    Increased Accessibility and Participation:
    Ballot voting allows for easier participation from residents who may not be able to attend traditional town meetings due to work schedules, childcare issues, or mobility/health concerns. By providing a longer time period to cast votes, more citizens can engage in the decision-making process at their convenience.
    Informed Decision-Making:
    Ballot voting allows residents more time to research and consider their choices without the pressure of immediate decision-making in a meeting setting. This can lead to more thoughtful and informed votes, as people can review materials and discuss issues with others before casting their ballots.
    Equity and Representation:
    Traditional town meetings can be dominated by more vocal or influential community members, potentially marginalizing quieter or less assertive residents. Ballot voting ensures that every vote has equal weight, promoting a more equitable representation of the community's views.
    Reduced Influence of Group Dynamics:
    In a town meeting, the dynamics of group discussion and peer pressure can influence individuals' votes. Ballot voting minimizes these dynamics, allowing individuals to make decisions independently and without immediate social pressures.
    Administrative Efficiency:
    Managing a ballot-only voting process can be more efficient than organizing and conducting traditional town meetings, especially in larger communities. It simplifies the logistics of counting votes and can streamline the administrative burden on town officials.
    Safety and Health Considerations:
    In situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, ballot-only voting provides a safer alternative to in-person gatherings, protecting public health while ensuring that democratic processes continue uninterrupted.
    I do still believe in getting together as a community for town meetings to have open dialog about issues and I believe these should be more frequent to allow for more participation. Creating a hybrid model that includes both ballot voting and in-person meetings could be a way to increase participation and ensure that all voices are heard.

    Thomaston’s solar array has been successful in producing power to cover electricity demand for its municipal accounts, but with more heat pumps and car chargers in use, the town is considering the addition of solar panels and acquire more acreage. What are your thoughts about this?

    Thomaston's success with its solar array is commendable, and considering the addition of more solar panels and acquiring additional acreage is a forward-thinking approach. I support expanding our renewable energy infrastructure to meet increasing electricity demands from heat pumps and car chargers. This expansion not only supports our sustainability goals but also positions Thomaston as a leader in renewable energy adoption, providing long-term economic and environmental benefits.

    Do Thomaston’s zoning and land use ordinances adequately accommodate the creation of affordable and workforce housing?

    Currently, Thomaston's zoning and land use ordinances may not fully accommodate the creation of affordable and workforce housing. Revising these ordinances to encourage the development of affordable housing is essential. 
    To create more affordable housing, we need to consider changing the following zoning and land use ordinances:

    Increase Density Allowances: Permit higher density residential developments, particularly in areas close to services and transportation.

    Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs): Allow ADUs by right in residential zones, making it easier for homeowners to build small, secondary units on their properties.

    Inclusionary Zoning: Require a percentage of new developments to be affordable housing.

    Reduce Minimum Lot Sizes: Lower minimum lot size requirements to encourage the construction of smaller, more affordable homes.

    Flexible Parking Requirements: Relax parking requirements for affordable housing projects to reduce development costs.
    These changes can help lower barriers to building affordable housing and encourage diverse housing options in the community.

    What public projects do you feel important to tackle over the next several years?

    Thomaston faces several critical public projects over the next several years that will significantly impact our community's well-being and growth. One of the top priorities is building a new fire station. Our current facility is outdated and no longer meets the needs of our expanding town. A new fire station will enhance our emergency response capabilities, ensuring that our first responders have the resources and infrastructure necessary to keep our community safe.
    Additionally, addressing the traffic congestion on Route 1 is crucial. This major thoroughfare is vital for local commerce and daily commutes, but increasing traffic has created bottlenecks and safety concerns. By investing in road infrastructure improvements, including better traffic management systems, we can alleviate congestion, improve safety, and ensure smoother travel for residents and visitors alike.
    Engaging more residents in boards, committees, and community outreach is essential for fostering a more inclusive and dynamic governance process. Actively recruiting younger and newer members of the community will bring fresh perspectives and ideas, ensuring that all voices are heard and represented. Increasing community outreach efforts, such as regular town hall meetings and social media engagement, will keep residents informed and involved in local decision-making.
    Affordable housing projects are also a key focus, addressing the pressing need for accessible housing options for our residents. By revising zoning and land use ordinances, offering incentives to developers, and partnering with nonprofit organizations, we can create more affordable and workforce housing. This will help retain young professionals, support our workforce, and ensure that Thomaston remains a diverse and thriving community.
    Lastly, promoting economic development is vital for Thomaston's long-term prosperity. By supporting local businesses, attracting new enterprises, and fostering a business-friendly environment, we can stimulate job creation and enhance our local economy. Initiatives such as small business grants, marketing support, and partnerships with regional economic development agencies will help build a robust economic foundation. 
    Together, these projects will ensure that Thomaston continues to grow, thrive, and remain a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

    How do you see Thomaston fitting into the greater regional economy and culture, and how would you like develop that?

    Thomaston plays a vital role in the greater regional economy and culture, contributing through its unique historical heritage, vibrant community, and strategic initiatives that enhance regional collaboration. One specific area initiative is the development of the Waterfront Master Plan, which aims to revitalize our waterfront area. By enhancing public spaces, improving infrastructure, and promoting local businesses, this plan will attract tourists and residents from neighboring towns, boosting the local economy and creating a cultural hub that celebrates Thomaston's maritime history.
    Another significant initiative is the partnership with regional organizations to promote sustainable tourism. By collaborating with the Maine Office of Tourism and local chambers of commerce, Thomaston can highlight its historical landmarks, scenic beauty, and cultural events. This includes promoting events like the annual Thomaston Fourth of July celebration, historical tours, and art festivals. These initiatives not only draw visitors to our town but also create opportunities for local artisans and businesses to thrive, fostering a vibrant cultural scene that benefits the entire region.
    Additionally, Thomaston's involvement in regional economic development initiatives, such as the Midcoast Economic Development District (MCEDD), allows us to leverage resources and expertise from across the region. By participating in these collaborative efforts, Thomaston can attract new businesses, support workforce development programs, and access funding for critical infrastructure projects. These initiatives will help create a resilient and diversified local economy that is well-positioned to thrive in the greater regional context. 
    Through these targeted efforts, Thomaston can continue to play a pivotal role in the economic and cultural vitality of the Midcoast region.

    What is the importance of local government, and how do you see yourself, as a Select Board member, in it?

    Local government plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our community. As a Select Board member, I see myself as a representative of the people, committed to transparent and inclusive governance. My role involves listening to residents' concerns, advocating for their needs, and working collaboratively with other board members and town officials to implement policies that benefit Thomaston. Ensuring that our local government is responsive, accountable, and proactive is essential for building a thriving community.

    Where are your favorite places to spend time in Thomaston? 

    I live on Main Street, and one of my favorite places to spend time is on my front porch, often in the evening with a glass of wine, enjoying the vibrant life of our town as I people-watch.
    For dining, I love visiting Thomaston Cafe, Station 118, and The Block, each offering unique experiences depending on the day.
    For coffee and a delicious breakfast burrito, Flipside is my go-to spot.
    Thomaston is such an amazing town to explore on foot that I feel like I'll never be finished discovering all its hidden gems and charming corners.