Author Shannon Parker visits St. George School to discuss The Rattled Bones

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 5:00pm

ST GEORGE — For two hours on Friday, May 31, the 8th grade class at St. George School was joined by local author and English professor Shannon Parker. All 26 students in the 8th grade class read the novel prior to Parker’s arrival and each had their own personal copies of The Rattled Bones thanks to the generosity of funds approved by the St. George School Board.

Parker signed books after an engaging session where students asked questions about inspiration, publishing, and if the fictional characters in the book were based on real people. Parker made her visit interactive with gifts for the students and a relaxed atmosphere. She spoke about how important it was for each person present to take pride in their personal stories, whether they choose to write them down or not.

The Rattled Bones, released by Simon & Schuster, is a fictional work that includes a historical throughline about Maine’s Malaga Island and the tragic removal of its residents in 1912. Part ghost story, part mystery, part coming-of-age, the book allowed students to see their coastal way of life depicted through a female lobsterman protagonist.

“The class was so invested in Shannon’s characters,” said Christine Miller, English teacher at the school. “They talked about them as if they were real and they knew them! That’s a very rare thing, in my experience — and such a gift.”

There was no shortage of questions for Parker from students and staff alike. The rich discussion about Maine’s coast, the trust we build in relationships, and our shared history made the time pass quickly, said Parker.

According to Lars S., an 8th grade student of Miller’s, “When Shannon came to our school, she was able to turn what we originally thought would be a long lecture into an interactive discussion. She gave us an inside look into the life of an author and captivated us with her knowledge about so many literary subjects. We thank her for coming and hope to see her succeed in her career.”

This is Parker’s second visit to the school in as many years.

“Meeting readers who connect with my stories is the best part of my job,” said Parker, “and being in conversation with the future leaders I met at St. George School reminds me of the power of storytelling, how it connects us as humans. Ms. Miller’s classroom fosters a unique sense of engagement among students. It’s a really special place to visit. I’m honored by their invitation and reception.”

The Rattled Bones by S.M. Parker is available wherever books are sold. A few students left with copies of her other books as gifts of gratitude from Parker to the graduating class at St. George School.