August StoryWalk for children on Sears Island features ‘Forest Bath Right Down This Path’

Sun, 08/04/2024 - 5:00pm

    SEARSPORT — Carver Memorial Library and Friends of Sears Island are collaborating on another summer StoryWalk for children to enjoy along the Homestead Trail on Sears Island. As families walk along the woods path, they will find signs with laminated pages of the book Forest Bath Right Down This Path, written by Lisa Robinson and illustrated by Khoa Le.

    “This lovely book is written to appeal to kids ages 4-8, but will be enjoyed by all ages,” said Friends of Sears Island, in a news release.

    The book was inspired by the nearby Barred Island Preserve in Deer Isle, which the author visits each summer. In this story, a young girl encourages her father to put away his cellphone to pay closer attention to the natural wonders of the forest around them as they hike through the woods to enjoy a “forest bath” on a hot summer’s day. Along the way they discover many interesting plants and animals and feel rejuvenated after taking time to connect with nature. While reading this story, families will enjoy their own forest bath on Sears Island.

    The StoryWalk will be available from August 1 - 31, and directions to the start of the story can be found by the kiosk just beyond the island gate. From start to finish, the story will cover approximately a half mile of the trail. Sears Island is located off of Route 1 on Sears Island Road, just east of downtown Searsport.

    To learn more about Friends of Sears Island check out or

    For more information on the Carver Memorial Library, visit

    The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg Hubbard Library.