RSU 71 to hold two-day Future Search gathering to create common vision for education

Tue, 03/15/2022 - 12:45pm

RSU 71 school district will gather 100-plus people representing a broad cross-section of community members, staff, students, and administration to meet for two days in April to create a common vision for the district’s future.  

Business leaders, municipal officials, students, parents, school employees, community partners, press, and others representing a broad range of roles, have been invited to participate in the Future Search event April 8 and 9 at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast. 

Additional members of the public who would like to participate may register via the superintendent's office. 

The two-day event will start with a session on Friday afternoon that will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 8 p.m.  Registration is at 3:30 p.m.  Dinner will be provided. Saturday’s session will begin at 8 a.m. and conclude by 3 p.m.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided.  

Judy Sanders, an experienced facilitator and former public school administrator will lead the 2-day event using a process known as Future Search. 

Augusta, Gardiner, Readfield, Cape Elizabeth, and many other Maine communities have created strategic education plans based on the work completed during the Future Search.

RSU 71 Superintendent Mary Alice McLean sees the timing of the process as beneficial, said news release from RSU 71. The education landscape has gone through enormous change over the last two years.  Now is the time to bring school and community members together to develop our vision of education for all children in the coming years. 

The vision created during these two days will inform an education plan developed later in the spring.

Registration will close on March 22.  Space is limited.

Contact: RSU 71 Assistant Superintendent Laura Miller


  Phone:  338-1960