letter to the editor

Rockport, Camden wastewater going forward

Thu, 06/13/2024 - 10:30am

Now that the votes in Camden and Rockport are counted, it strikes us as time to come back together for the mutual benefit of both towns, as we have so successfully done before.

Sometimes we differ about the specific way forward, but our concerns remain largely the same: How to keep our rivers and harbors clean, address the needs of  our sewer users, house our workforce communities and young families, live in harmony with our neighbors, and serve the fiscal interests of our taxpayers and the overall character of our towns.

Regarding wastewater:

By a margin of 2 to 1 Rockport voters support developing a mutually beneficial wastewater agreement with Camden.

Camden voters overwhelmingly approved a $12.5 million dollar wastewater bond ($20 million including interest) to tackle their storm water issues.  They have previously upgraded the treatment plant and hired expert staff.

In future discussions, it may make sense to also include Rockland, as Rockport sends roughly one-third of its wastewater to Rockland and there may be both opportunities and issues to consider.

Additionally, together with Lincolnville and Hope, Camden and Rockport also need to address wastewater issues with Midcoast Solid Waste Corp, something that has been too long overdue. Given its location and our use, it seems likely that our two towns will need to lead the way. That treatment is likely to be expensive, given the PFAs issues, and certainly will be best solved by the larger community, working together.

Taylor Allen
Phil Conkling
Peter Ralston
Cheryl Liechty
Chip Bauer
Scott Gazelle
Bill Leone
Martha White