letter to the editor

Reelect Jan Dodge to represent Belfast, Belmont and Northport

Fri, 08/23/2024 - 2:15pm

Now in my eighth decade, over these many years I have had the opportunity to engage in many ways with many legislators.

Amongst all of them, Jan Dodge who represents the citizens of Belfast, Belmont and Northport stands out and above for her attentiveness and responsiveness. 

Jan carefully listens, thoughtfully considers and respectfully responds to every engagement, via the mail, telephone or in person.

Her words in Augusta and her voting record clearly demonstrate her advocacy for matters that concern the citizens of our district.

I would emphasize her environmental stances on chemical disposal, and air and water quality as well as support for students and retirees.

I’ll be voting to reelect her and urge others to do the same.

Sid Block lives in Northport