Legislature advances proposal to support maritime education

Thu, 03/31/2022 - 5:45pm

AUGUSTA — The Maine House and Senate gave unanimous approval this week to a bill, LD 1389, sponsored by Rep. Scott Cuddy, D-Winterport, that would strengthen maritime education in Maine by restructuring the funding and supervision model of the Maine Ocean School (MOS) in Searsport.

MOS opened in the fall of 2018 and accepts students from around the state into its hands-on educational experience.

Since the school’s founding, it has been subject to a sunset provision that requires legislative action in order for the school to retain funding and continue operation.

As amended, LD 1389 would restructure MOS such that it would no longer take the form of a diploma-granting school but rather an educational program dedicated to preparing the next generation of leaders in marine science, technology, transportation and engineering.

The bill would also extend the sunset provision, set to expire at the end of the current 130th Legislature, until the end of the first session of the 131st Legislature.

“Twice now, I have worked with my colleagues in the Legislature to extend the sunset provision to enable the school to remain open,” said Cuddy. “In restructuring this program, it empowers the students, teachers and staff to coordinate with local educational institutions to establish a more secure future that will truly meet the needs of those it serves.”

The bill faces further votes in both the House and Senate.

Cuddy, a member of the Labor and Housing Committee and the Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee, is serving his second term in the Maine House. He represents the communities of Frankfort, Searsport, Swanville and Winterport.