Camden 2024 Snow Bowl, Opera House and Wastewater budgets up for approval

Select Board meeting takes place Tuesday, July 11, 6:30 p.m.
Sat, 07/08/2023 - 3:15pm

    CAMDEN – The Camden Select Board is expected to consider approval of 2024 budgets for the Snow Bowl, Wastewater and the Camden Opera House at its July 11 meeting.

    Detailed budgets are available to view as part of the Board’s meeting packet on the town of Camden website. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and takes place in the John French Conference Room on Washington Street. 

    Proposed Snow Bowl expense and revenue projections total $1,168,295, down 4.5 percent from 2023. “The Snow Bowl's budget is a Special Revenue Fund that sits outside the General Fund. Its revenue is expected to cover its expenses,” wrote Beth Ward in a memo to the Select Board. “The FY 24 revenue budget is conservative, with lower revenue expectations post-COVID as we do not expect the larger crowds seen during the 2020 through 2022 seasons.”

    Opera House expenses proposed by the Town Manager and Opera House Director total $467,500, while the Budget Committee recommends $354,100. Opera House revenue is set to match projected expenses and comes from a variety of sources, including rental and production revenue, property tax assessment and tax increment financing (TIF).

    Wastewater Department 2024 expenses and revenues are proposed at $2,048,496. The source of revenue is billed accounts. The proposed user rate is $9.94 per 100 cubic feet, up from $9.13 in 2023.

    Also to be considered for Board action July 11 is setting a public hearing date for extension of a Moratorium Ordinance regarding residential piers, docs, floats and ramps and other structures in Camden’s outer and coastal harbors. The current moratorium expires August 20.

    Items for discussion include potential November ballot questions on Charter Amendments related to the town budget process, and harbor and waterways amendments for piers and commercial passenger vessels.

    See the Camden Select Board Agenda PDF above to view the full agenda, and for information on viewing the meeting on the town of Camden’s YouTube channel or cable television or participating via Zoom.