letter to the editor

Urge fellow citizens to support Ray Thombs

Fri, 08/16/2024 - 9:15pm

I was just asked the other day who Ray Thombs was. I was very happy to answer this question!

I have known Ray for several years, and in that time, I have witnessed firsthand his unwavering dedication to our community and his commitment to being a voice for those who are often unheard. Ray Thombs is not only a strong advocate for restoring order, but he also possess the integrity, passion, and work ethic that our community needs in its leadership. Whether it’s through his involvement in community events, or his consistent efforts to listen to and represent the concerns of all constituents, Ray has proven time and again that he is truly dedicated to making a positive difference. 

In a time when many feel disconnected from their leaders, Ray Thombs stands out as someone who genuinely cares about the people he seeks to represent. His approach to governance is thoughtful, and grounded in real-world experience. I have no doubt that Ray Thombs will bring these qualities, when elected, to district 44 and work tirelessly to improve the lives of everyone in our community. 

For these reasons and more, I strongly urge my fellow citizens to support Ray Thombs in the upcoming election. My only regret is that I am not a full-time resident of this district and will not be able to vote for him. However, I strongly suggest you do so that we can ensure that our community is represented by someone who truly embodies the values and priorities that matter most to us.

Lura Robinson lives in Friendship