letter to the editor

We need leaders like Scott Cuddy in the State House

Fri, 08/16/2024 - 9:00pm

I live in Stockton Springs. All the towns around here have local economies that are badly stressed. The impact from the lack of jobs, low-paying jobs, and seasonal jobs is inescapable. It is hard on the families who live here. Hard for people who want to come here to live.

Climate change is inescapable here. The Gulf of Maine is warming faster than most oceans. The lobsters and the whales are being driven further out to sea, making local fishermen, tourist businesses, and all of us poorer.

We need hard-working, pragmatic leaders like Scott Cuddy in the state house. He has proven abilities to drive and pass legislation improving education, training, jobs and renewable energy and to work with everyone for the common good.

This is a wonderful place to live. We have to work to keep it that way and make it even better. Scott Cuddy will help us.

Barton Haase lives in Stockton Springs