letter to the editor

Please vote for Jamie Hopkins, District 42

Fri, 08/16/2024 - 9:00pm

Dear Friends of Rockland, parts of Owls Head, and the islands of North Haven, Criehaven, Muscle Ridge and Matinicus,

Please join me in supporting Jamie Hopkins for State Representative of District 42. I have been blessed to know Jamie for 20 years and I have to say how incredibly proud I am of her and her fight for all of us!

Jamie is an incredibly hard-working woman and she wants to work hard for us to make our beautiful state more affordable again. We want our children to be able to have a bright future right here at home! Jamie also wants to work to ensure that we are helping those in need without enabling them in ways that are detrimental to all of us, that our schools are meeting the needs of our students with high academic excellence and that our communities are safe. 

I have had many long conversations with Jamie and so admire her commitment to the people of Maine and her determination to serve us, and advocate on our behalf, by being a strong voice representing our hard-working Maine families. I can’t say enough good things about Jamie in this short letter to the editor, but I assure you, she wants an affordable, safe future for all of us, “brimming with opportunity,” and she is very brave in her pursuit of that. 

Please vote for Jamie Hopkins! We are blessed to have her on our side! 

Kimberley Blair lives in Rockland