In Memoriam to Peg Miller, Queen of North Lincolnville

Lincolnville dedicates 2024 Town Report to Corelyn Senn, longtime friend and citizen

Sun, 06/09/2024 - 2:30pm

    LINCOLNVILLE — Thursday afternoon, June 6, four of the five Lincolnville Select Board members filtered into the meeting room at the Town Office. They slipped by the front room right off the lobby where Corelyn Senn was seated at a table, poring over an old municipal ledger, at glance, from the turn of the 19th Century.

    She was so absorbed in the historical data, she didn't look up. Until Town Administrator David Kinney asked her to come into the meeting room.

    “Why,” she asked. “What’s going on?”

    Ladleah Dunn, Chair of the Select Board, broke out into big grin.

    The Town of Lincolnville is honoring you, she told Senn.

    “Why,” asked Senn, puzzled by the turnout. 

    That was when she was handed the first copy of the newly printed 2024 Lincolnville Town Report, with several pages dedicated to Senn, including photos of wildlife she had captured over the past years with her cameras.

    Senn has lived in Lincolnville for decades, observing its natural world and sharing those insights with the public. But that is not all she has done.

    Here is what Lincolnville had to say in the Town Report:

    Whether it be researching an elusive historical fact, exploring a Lincolnville location that that has not been explored in decades or perhaps centuries, taking on or helping at “city hall” or tracking down that perfect wildlife photo Corelyn Senn is force to be reckoned with.   

    Did you know that Corelyn:

    • Was a driving force behind getting the Select Board meetings televised?  
    • Volunteers to count ballots at every election and stays to the very end to make sure all is well before calling it a night?
    • Is a mother?
    • Is an ordained minister?
    • Is a cancer survivor?
    • Is fascinated by thermogenesis and skunk cabbage?
    • Is an intrepid explorer?
    • Explores and researches quarries, old cellar holes, cemeteries, lime kilns for fun?
    • Has never shied away from an “impossible” research project?
    • Can immediately identify a red fox, from a grey fox, from a coyote?
    • Has filmed fish underwater in a Lincolnville quarry?
    • Instills interest in those that did not realize they were interested?


    Corelyn’s curiosity about her surroundings and persistence at figuring out what she has discovered inspire everyone who knows her.  The Town of Lincolnville is a better and more interesting place because of Corelyn.

    In Memoriam

    Every year, the annual town report also honors a loved community member who has died. This year, it was Peg Miller. Lincolnville said:

    Lifelong Lincolnville resident Margaret “Peg” Miller, aka the Queen of North Lincolnville, passed away on February 1, 2024 at the age of 99. 

    Peg was born at the Vancycle Road family home on November 15, 1924 to Grover and Cora Drinkwater.  Educated locally, Peg married the “boy next door,” Raymond Miller in 1942.

    Peg was ever involved in her local community.  Among other ativitites, she was part of the Lincolnville Band, a 4H leader, a Ballot Clerk, a member of the Pitcher Pond Association,  an “ice-out reporter, a member of the Lincolnville Women’s Club, Lincolnville Improvement Association, TRIAD member, UCC Church member, founder of the Strawberry Festival, craft enthusiast, a Red Hatter, the Chamber of Commerce’s 1998 Town Person of the Year, had the Town Report dedicated to her in 2009, and at the time of her death was the holder of the Boston Post Cane.

    The community mourns the loss but reconginzes the lasting mark that Peg made on the Town she loved so much.