John Burgess Guptill, obituary

Sun, 09/08/2024 - 10:00am

PUERTO VALLARTA, Mexico — In the early morning hours of August 19, John Burgess Guptill, age 43, began his final journey around the sun after an accident. As he embarked on this new adventure, we are left uncertain of where it will take him or when we might see him again. He departed without a formal goodbye, ready to make a difference in some wondrous, unknown place. True to his adventurous spirit, John traveled light, carrying only foreign exchange, his language skills, and wearing his signature bandana.

Born on February 26, 1981, in Portland, Maine, John was the beloved son of Sue E. (Sternberg) Sidelinger of Damariscotta and Walter A. Guptill of South Thomaston. From a young age, John was known for his adventurous and fearless nature. Whether on the soccer field or the lacrosse field, he weaved through opponents with remarkable agility, earning cheers from the sidelines of “Go Guppy!” His love for adventure and travel took him overseas for the first time during high school when he visited Spain.

John continued his academic journey at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he studied Foreign Studies and Languages. He became fluent in Spanish and Italian, and joked that he knew “enough German to get by.” It was at Dickinson that John met fellow travelers who would accompany him on future adventures.

Following college, John’s passion for travel led him across the U.S. and to places like Mexico, Italy, Ecuador, Switzerland, and more. Despite his far-flung travels, Maine remained close to John’s heart. He proudly bore the tattoo “DIRIGO” on his left arm, Maine’s state motto meaning “I Lead.” Friends and family like his younger sisters Amy Guptill and Stacey Simpson of Damariscotta viewed it as a reminder of the loved ones he often left behind.

John eventually returned to Maine, where he thrived as a businessman and entrepreneur. He married his wife, Charlotte Henry, June 23, 2012 in Portland, Maine. Charlotte was John’s steadfast companion and partner. Whether on business ventures or travels, Charlotte and John proved to be an unbeatable team.

In recent years, John and Charlotte embarked on their dream of living in Mexico, moving to Puerto Vallarta, six years ago. John applied his business acumen to develop and grow a vacation management company, sharing his passion for travel with others. His love for Puerto Vallarta began at age seventeen and only deepened with time. Outside of business, John enjoyed the local culture, tequila, al pastor tacos, and the vibrant community. He frequently encouraged loved ones to visit, and those who did always returned with stories of the wonderful life he built.

No matter how far John traveled, he faced his own challenges and struggles. He was his own harshest critic and never quite found the peace he sought. Throughout his life, John was known for quietly doing good. He was a fiercely protective big brother who took his duties at his sisters’ weddings seriously, advocated for women’s shelters in Mexico, rescued stray animals, and supported local families with school supplies and medical needs. Recently, he spent time with the Cuya Cocha Community in the Amazon of Ecuador, a tribal community living off the grid. John planned to return to support them further, particularly in ensuring their school’s needs were met.

John now joins his paternal grandparents, Walter and Barbara (Morris) Guptill of Owls Head; maternal grandparents William and Wealthy Jane Sternberg (Lounsbury) of Rockland; Aunt Judy Royce of Hope; and Riley his loyal dog and travel mate.

He leaves behind his wife, Charlotte Guptill; their dog Cuale; his parents, Sue E. (Sternberg) Sidelinger, her husband Larry Sidelinger, and Walter A. Guptill, his wife Lisa Sigel; and his two sisters, Amy and Stacey, along with their families, a great aunt, Cora Bergern; aunts Marcia, Jane, Mary, BJ, Ann; uncles Danny and Timmy; a large crew of cousins including some very dear to him who he enjoyed traveling with and sharing a cold beverage with, and many other family and friends all over the world.

No habrá adiós, sigue agregando sellos a ese Pasaporte Dorado, ¡hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar! ¡Te amamos Amigo!

ENGLISH: There will be no good-byes, Keep stamping that Golden Passport, until we all meet again! We love you Amigo!

A celebration of John’s life will be held on October 13, 2024, from 2 to 5 p.m., at the 1812 in Bristol, ME.

In memory of John, donations can be made to the Cuya Cocha Community at His family will ensure that the funds are directed to support the community’s needs.