nearly 700 raffle tickets sold

West Bay Rotary raises more than $6,000 for local nonprofits

Mon, 12/21/2020 - 3:15pm

West Bay Rotary raised more than $6,000 in about a month to benefit the Camden Area Christian Food Pantry, One Less Worry, and the Shields Mission Project.

The club encouraged their members and the community to purchase Lucky’s Christmas Vacation raffle tickets for a chance to win seven nights at the Vanderbilt Beach Resort in Naples, Florida and by Sunday morning they had sold almost 700 tickets.

A few West Bay Rotary Club members gathered at their Christmas tree lot on Sunday, December 20 to draw the winning ticket. Club President Ken Gardiner reached into a box held by Lucky the Duck and picked the winning ticket, which was purchased by Camden Rotarian Leni Gronros.

“We love supporting our local Rotary clubs and the organizations they support,” said Gronros’ wife and fellow Camden Rotarian, Kimberlee Graffam. 

Because of Covid-19, West Bay Rotary has had to cancel many of their fundraisers, so they have been finding creative new ways to help the community. West Bay Rotarian Ray Fink came up with the idea to have a raffle that would benefit local nonprofits that are seeing an increased need for help this winter.

The Vanderbilt Beach Resort donated the prize.

“These organizations are going to really need extra help this winter, so we are hoping to really make a difference,” said Ray Fink.

The club plans to get the funds to the three nonprofits within the next week.

For more information about these organizations, click below: or