Triangle Gallery features three solo shows during Aug. 2 artwalk

    ROCKLAND — Triangle Gallery will be featuring three solo shows during the August 2 edition of First Friday Artwalk in Rockland: Cynthia Furman Selinger with “Softly Spoken”, Kitty Wales with “Shift”, and Keith Schneider with “A Retrospective”.

    “We hope that you will join us in celebrating the work of these artists as you meander Rockland galleries on Friday, August 2 from 4 to 7pm.,” said Triangle, in a news release.

    Cynthia Furman Selinger’s show, “Softly Spoken”, occupies the upstairs space creating a quiet experience of texture, palette, and tone, according to Triangle.

    “Her small abstracts are gems, inspired by things around her studio,” said Triangle.

    As Selinger paints, she becomes “absorbed in the subtleties of edges and nuances of color all while searching for structure and composition.” This work will be on view until August 11.

    Kitty Wales’ “Shift” is an installation of her narrative assemblages presented with drawings and hand colored prints in the front gallery. This work is a whimsical animation of stories, of memories “that morph over time, shifting in and out of the original thread.” Wales utilizes discarded items, either integrated into the construction or reimagined as Wales recreates the object in new materials.

    “Each piece in this series evolves through the process of making and experimenting, as I build up multiple layers of color and texture with water-based pencils, graphite, aqua resin, epoxy putty and paper pulp,” said Wales.

    Wales’ show will be on view through August 25, with an artist talk on August 17, at 3 p.m.

    Keith Schneider’s work, “A Retrospective”, will fill the back gallery with abstract expressions of Schneider’s lifelong journey of exploration.

    “At times, entering the emptiness between in-breath and out-breath where true creativity may reside – something yet to be experienced beyond even the collective unconscious,” said Schneider.

    “As you experience Schneider’s work, you find yourself following and connecting threads woven through a life of light, dark, and love,” said Triangle.

    Schneider’s show will open on August 2 and be up through September 1.


    Triangle Gallery is located at 8 Elm Street in Rockland, Maine. Summer hours are noon - 5pm Tuesday through Saturday, 1 - 4pm on Sunday, by chance, or by appointment. For more information, call 593-8300 or go to the website at or instagram @trianglegallery8elm.

    Event Date: 

    Fri, 08/02/2024 - 4:00pm to 7:00pm

    Event Location: 

    Triangle Gallery


    8 Elm Street
    Rockland, ME 04841
    United States