
To Rockland’s mayor and Council members,

I am writing in regards to the presentation of "Resolution of Commitment To Promoting An Open, Respectful, Healthy Community." Am hoping that this…

The local news this week has been replete with stories of the resignations of the Town Manager and the director of the Snow Bowl. These resignations have been a long time coming. Those of us who…

Dear Neighbors & Friends: It is with much sadness and regret that I write to tell you that I have resigned my seat on Rockland's City Council. Since my mother's death last summer I have…

New Hope for Women would like to express our gratitude to all of the wonderful donors who supported our families this past holiday season. The holiday season can be a difficult time for families…

I am very disheartened to see that our President has attempted to fulfill his campaign promise to put a ban on Muslims from certain countries. As many have stated before, this is an action that is…

On January 26, the Woodstove Alliance sponsored a talk by Alison Beyea, Exec. Dir. of ACLU Maine. It was held at the beautiful High Mountain Hall in Camden and filmed live on FaceBook Live. I…

In 1939, the United States forced the St. Louis, a ship carrying over 900 Jewish refugees who were fleeing Nazi Germany, to turn around. Of those passengers, almost 30 percent are known…

It was with much sadness that I learned last week of our town manager's resignation and quick departure. Over the last several years, I've had the opportunity to work with Pat on a number of town…

We are writing in support of the two vendors, Sidecountry Sports and Cold Toes Tacos, who would bring a lot of excitement and revenue to the Camden Snow Bowl, if they were allowed to continue…

We are writing in support of the two vendors, Sidecountry Sports and Cold Toes Tacos, who would bring a lot of excitement and revenue to the Camden Snow Bowl if they were allowed to continue…

After reviewing my library files — from librarian Sally Regan's report in 2003 through the Steering Committee and Ad Hoc Committee reports — I would like to suggest a new plan for the Rockport…

As the 128th Legislature starts its work, the Marine Resources Committee will begin to act on proposed legislation regarding our coastal fisheries. The harvesting of lobster, clams,…

Early in the morning of Nov. 9,  2016, those of us who stayed up witnessed one of the greatest election reversal victory's in our Republic's history.

As I sat in front of the TV at 8:30 p.m…

Winter in Maine brings Town Meetings,  the once dominant form of local government that distinguishes New England from the rest of the nation.  When I moved from Chesapeake Bay to Penobscot Bay on …

In the days ahead you will be hearing a rumor that should be spread. Someone will say to you, “Have you heard about the Heart and Soul thing that's happening in Rockland?” Frankly, you might sigh…

 I beg to differ with those who wrote the letter Libraries belong in the center of town, not…

On December 19, I submitted a letter saying I was surprised that new Rep. Owen Casas had purposely avoided voting on a non-contentious bill that came before the House of Representatives on its…

Between October 25 and November 4, a group of 80 volunteers spent more than 1,000 hours in Searsport’s Union Hall assembling and wrapping 500 window inserts which will help 67 families from 18…

Dear Rockport Select Board: Some thoughts from two folks with architectural and town planning training who love Rockport and want to “nourish “ and care for what makes Rockport ‘Rockport’ so that…

On Wednesday, Dec. 7, the fifth grade class at the East Belfast Elementary School were doing jumping-jacks. No, it wasn't part of their physical fitness class, they had begun the annual project to…

Frank Burtnett’s suggestion that the hotel and retail space proposal for Central Street will “threaten the concept of village” is, with all due respect, off-base and, short as it is, filled with…

 Regarding the recent Penbaypilot.com story on the discussions Leucadia is…

Why I am so passionate about the Rockport Public Library and its location:

1) I value education highly, not just knowledge gleaned from books but that from every available resource —…

Dear Members of the Rockland City Council:

Please reply to me so I know you have read this. Please tell me what your current thinking is on this issue and what questions you have that need…

Dear Friends and Neighbors of House District 94: On December 7, I will have completed my fourth and final term as your representative to the Maine…

I want to thank all our local papers for being a source of information during this last election. You are a great resource and as a candidate, you allowed me to explain my positions and introduce…

Thank you, voters of Camden, Rockport and Islesboro, for participating in this lively election season. Thank you for welcoming me at your doors. Your stories, ideas and concerns inspired me, and I…

 I am writing  to openly endorse Owen Casas as my choice for Representative of Maine House District 94. I encourage my…

Lincolnville residents are lucky to have choices this year when they elect their next select board representative, and although I'm not a Lincolnville resident myself, I wanted to offer a few…

Lincolnville is faced with a unique situation this coming election. A valued select board member and life-long community member is ending her term early, leaving a seven-month opening. Board of…

The easy choice – Owen Casas

In an election year full of tough decisions at both the local and national level, I'm relieved to be faced with an easy choice for Maine's House District 94…

Tragically, I can't vote for my dad, Ed Glaser, for Rockland City Council. But I can urge you to! I can't imagine a better person to be on the council. And not just because he's my dad. He's been…

Susan Longley has been an innovative probate judge. No doubt one of her most successful innovations has been the institution of a mediation system for disputed family cases, such as guardianships…

On behalf of the Trekkers' staff, students, families and auction committee, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all the local businesses, organizations, and individuals who helped make our…

Waldo County

We have the opportunity in Waldo County to re-elect a judge of probate whose work over the past years has benefited those who appear in her court and the taxpayers. How lucky can we get? Judge…

Pay-As-You-Throw may bring the potential disadvantage of illegal discard of trash by the FEW.

But it has the proven advantage of expanding recycling by the MANY.

John E Meyn lives…

I would like you to support Rosie Gerry in his bid for Lincolnville Board of Selectmen. I feel that his prior years on the board and vast knowledge of the town make him the best candidate for this…

As I joined the Camden Select Board in mid- June [2016], I thought this might be a good time to write an update on the experience.

The experience is much like viewing an iceberg.

 I've owned the Village Variety in Camden for 34 years now, and I can tell you firsthand that Sen. Dave Miramant is a man…

In Owen Casas' paid ad, "A heartfelt thanks to Joan Welsh's supporters and everyone who rises above negative politics," he blames Kathleen…

The Board of the Friends of Rockport Library supports referendum question 4, a bond for the new library.  After years of meetings, focus groups, studies by experts, and discussions, we agree the…

It is an honor to have Mike Thibodeau working on our behalf in the State Senate, for all of us here in Waldo County.  Mike is a native Mainer and small business owner who wants to continue to grow…

I’m writing in support of Proposition 3, which will close the gun show and private sale of firearms loopholes by requiring background checks for all sales and transfer of firearms.


There has been some discussion this past week about the relevance of the Democrats holding the majority in the House. It has been argued…

 Maine is leading the country in revitalizing the farming movement. In recent years, farms are being started at nearly…


Citizens in Rockport are coalescing around a plan to build a new, expanded library at the historical site of the old library. The consensus is growing in the weeks leading to a Nov. 8 vote…

The Capitol Leadership Political Action Committee just put out a deceptive mailer supporting Mike Thibodeau and attacking Jonathan Fulford…

Undoubtedly I’m biased, but nobody knows better than I how tirelessly my husband, John Spear, has worked in his volunteer efforts for the…

 When it comes to education, my dad, Dave Miramant, has always known the importance of seeing students as a whole person…

I strongly encourage voters who think that Senator Michael Thibodeau's campaign is only funded by in state money to become better acquainted with the facts. As of October 24, Thibodeau's campaign…