Letter to the editor: PAC attacks Fulford

Fri, 10/28/2016 - 10:15pm

The Capitol Leadership Political Action Committee just put out a deceptive mailer supporting Mike Thibodeau and attacking Jonathan Fulford. Aside from being completely false, it is an attack by special interests against a clean elections candidate. Unlike Mike Thibodeau, who controls several PACs for his campaign, as a Clean Elections candidate, Jonathan Fulford is forbidden from raising or receiving any money other than what is granted through the Clean Elections system; no outside group can contribute to his campaign directly and he is forbidden by law to so much as communicate with any group like a PAC.

Capitol Leadership PAC is a special interest PAC and is funded by big companies that advance their special interests in Augusta with paid lobbyists and contributions to elected officials. The PAC's treasurer is a lobbyist for one of the biggest lobbying/law firms in Augusta. The list of donors to the PAC includes Big Pharma like Merck, AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson; Big Banks like Bank of America; alcohol companies; big Augusta lobbying firms; Big Energy; and, wealthy individuals.

Jonathan Fulford is an honest candidate, runs clean, and serves no special interests. He will keep an open door to all voters in Waldo County and fight for working families. Let's make a change on Nov 8 with a vote for Fulford for State Senate.

Miriam Watkins lives in Belfast