Letter to the Editor: In support of Rosey Gerry

Fri, 11/04/2016 - 4:00pm

    Lincolnville is faced with a unique situation this coming election. A valued select board member and life-long community member is ending her term early, leaving a seven-month opening. Board of Selectmen terms are for three years. I have had the privilege to serve the community for five years. I was surprised how long it took to learn all the facets of the job. If it weren't for the kindness and mentorship of our Town Administrator and board members, it would have taken me even longer. Though each selectman may have their own thoughts and opinions, we all have to work together for the benefit of the community. We represent the 2,000-odd residents of the town. We represent the people who can't pay their taxes. We represent the hard working families who don't have time to fixate on town business. We worry about pot holes, road signs, ambulance service times, budgets, plowing, and so many necessary but taken-for-granted details.

    In a few days we will be voting to fill a seat on the Select Board that will only be for the next seven months. A recent medical emergency with one of our town staff has proven that experience and consideration are the qualities needed to best help the town during a difficult and critical decision-making period. Lincolnville needs a person who can put the town's needs first. A person who can see both sides and make a fair and balanced decision. That is why I am voting for Rosey Gerry this coming Tuesday and I encourage you to do the same. Help us help the town through this transitional time

    Ladleah Dunn lives in Lincolnville and is chairman of the Licolnville Board of Selectmen