Letter to the editor: Erin Herbig will translate talk to action

Mon, 10/08/2018 - 8:45am

We are retirees, proud parents of four and grandparents of six. Like so many Mainers, we care deeply and worry about whether our family and yours will have futures with good jobs and fair benefits, clean air and water, educational opportunities and affordable health care. We also care that Maine stays a wild and beautiful forested destination for visitors from the world over. All these fundamental goals are why we will vote for Erin Herberg to serve as our Senator in Augusta.

   Sure, it’s tempting to be cynical and frustrated with politics and elected officials in these turbulent times. We’re not always sure they are focused on our interests, though that’s why we elect them. Erin offers a notable and welcome exception. Long a productive, conscientious and hard-working standout in our House of Representatives, she is a promising breath of fresh air. Certainly as important, Erin is a friendly, caring and gracious person. That matters now more than ever.

   Erin will represent a far-flung and economically diverse Senate District, from Troy to Lincolnville, Palermo to Stockton Springs. She is pounding our back roads and highways to listen and learn what matters to us. And she knows how to translate that to action. There was never a more crucial time for each of us to do something positive about Maine’s future and what it will promise for our families. Voting for Erin is a great place to start.

Ric and Ann McKittrick live in Lincolnville