Letter to the editor

Grateful for Sen. Angus King’s wisdom, character, ethical behavior, humor, ability to advocate on our behalf

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 1:00pm

In an earlier conversation with a wise Republican mentor, I asked for his thoughts about Senator King’s decision to run for a third term. I mused aloud about the baby boomers among us who seem reluctant to relinquish leadership positions, preventing the next generation from stepping up. 

Stepping aside might make sense, he said. He then smiled and reminded me that seniority in Washington counts — for a lot! Senator King’s seniority matters. 

Senator King’s committee and subcommittee assignments provide him with an opportunity to shape policies on sea power (think BIW) and national parks (think Acadia and the Katahdin Woods and Water national monument).  His efforts have resulted in significant federal infrastructure investments in the Waldo County communities of Searsport, Belfast, Freedom, Winterport, among others. 

Senator King is one of the smartest and most articulate advocates for Maine in the US Senate. He has either sponsored or supported legislation that has had a direct impact on our economy, our environment, and our most vulnerable residents.  

So why am I such a big fan? I am grateful for his wisdom, character, ethical behavior, sense of humor, ability to articulate and advocate on our behalf, willingness to work across the aisle to accomplish important goals that benefit all of us, the tasty snacks he offers visitors to his office on Wednesday mornings - and his seniority.

Join me in voting for Senator King on November 5.


Meredith Jones