a portable version of the group’s posters

Finding Our Voices gains $4,000 sponsor for bookmarks

Wed, 03/29/2023 - 8:00am

First National Bank has donated $4,000 to Finding Our Voices to sponsor the 2023 bookmarks that are a chief way the survivor-powered, grassroots nonprofit is breaking the silence of domestic abuse across Maine.  
The Finding Our Voices bookmarks feature photo portraits of 45 named Maine survivors aged 18 to 83 and including Governor Janet T. Mills, along with documentation of the abuse the women transcended. They are given out by police and in District Attorneys' offices, and distributed in food pantries, public libraries and bookstores, social service agencies, and all manner of retail and health and wellness establishments.   
The first sponsor of the award-winning two-year-old bookmark campaign was the author Tess Gerritsen. 
“First National Bank is pleased to support Finding Our Voices as they work to raise awareness about domestic violence and the services that are available in our communities,” said the bank president and CEO, Tony McKim, in a Finding Our Voices news release.
Patrisha McLean, founder/president of Finding Our Voices, said, “We are proud to have the First National Bank logo on 10,000 bookmarks bringing light to every county of our state.”  
The bookmarks are a portable version of the group’s posters now papering 80-plus Maine downtowns, including in dressing rooms, employee break rooms, hospitals, and restaurant bathrooms.

For more information about Finding Our Voices visit  https://findingourvoices.net