letter to the editor

Endorsing Scott Cuddy for the 37th Legislative District race

Mon, 09/02/2024 - 8:45pm

I wanted to throw my voice into the chorus endorsing Scott Cuddy for the 37th Legislative District race.

I believe I offer a unique endorsement, as someone who ran against him in 2018 for what was then the 98th District.  I was the Republican candidate that year, narrowly losing to Scott, a fact I do not for one instant lament.  His time in office was a study in bipartisanship and servant leadership.  

After the Tree of Life shooting that year, during election season, Scott reached out and we issued a joint statement decrying bigotry and antisemitism.  It meant the world to me personally.  It was a reminder that politics shouldn’t be about fealty to our two-party system, but the immortal communion of human relationships.  I vote on character and competency, and Scott has both in spades.

Our area has things to show for Scott’s time in office.  On matters of workforce and economic development in our part of Waldo County, Scott was present and accounted for on our behalf.  And my favorite end-product of his time in office—as a soon-to-retire member of the Maine Army National Guard and Civil War history wonk—was his successful push to make the “Ballad of the 20th Maine” our official state ballad.

I am voting for Scott Cuddy because I know him.  I know his capabilities.  I know the depths of his consideration.  We are so lucky to have him as a candidate, especially on a time when we rely more on effective governance from Augusta than from Washington, D. C.

Ordinarily I would leave it at this positive endorsement of someone I respect as a candidate and as a friend, but it needs to be said: Our current representation is found wanting in every meaningful way.  The ubiquity of signs throughout the area do not obfuscate that we have a representative now who has brought no demonstrable value.  We have no evidence that this will change if she is given a second term.

Thankfully, we have an intelligent, intentional, and prepared consensus-builder in Scott Cuddy.  I urge everyone in this district to cast their vote for him in November.

Brian Kresge, MBA, was the 2018 Republican Candidate for the 98th District. He lives in Winterport.