2023 Project Canopy Assistance Planting and Maintenance Grant awarded to City of Belfast

Thu, 08/10/2023 - 6:30pm

    BELFAST — The City of Belfast has been awarded an $10,000 2023 Project Canopy Assistance Planting & Maintenance Grant through the U.S.D.A Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program CFDA 10:675. T

    his grant supported the extension of tree planting along the City of Belfast Rail Trail as well as locations in the Belfast downtown area. The Belfast Public Works Department worked with a local Arborist, and the City Tree Committee and local volunteers to implement this planting project in the summer of 2023.

    By implementing this new canopy, the City will be adding protection to pedestrians who are utilizing the City of Belfast Rail Trail, as well as to help insulate the trail from vehicles, noise, salt and plowing, making the Trail safer and more user friendly. 

    “The City is hopeful this project will help increase community engagement and economic development and will solidify the City’s goal of creating and maintaining a long-term community forestry program in all areas of the City,” said The City of Belfast, in a news release.

    Project Canopy Assistance Grants are available to state, county, and municipal governments, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations for developing and implementing community forestry projects and programs. Planting projects increase the health and livability of communities through sound tree planting and maintenance, while planning and education projects support sustainable community forestry management, and efforts to increase awareness of the benefits of trees and forests. All grants require a 50 percent match in cash or in-kind services from the grant recipient.

    Project canopy is funded by the USDA Forest Service Community Forestry Assistance Program. The USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program was established to promote natural resource management in populated areas and improve quality of life.

    To learn more about the Project Canopy Assistance program, contact Project Canopy Director Jan Ames Santerre at 287-4987 or visit projectcanopy.me.