letter to the editor

Vote no on articles 3 and 4 in Camden

Mon, 06/12/2023 - 4:15pm
I've been volunteering for more than 40 years helping people who are in addiction recovery. Throughout the decades, a common theme has been that almost everyone started with marijuana. 
I'm not here to litigate whether cannabis should be legal in Maine or anywhere else. That ship has long sailed, and as a result, there are plenty of dispensaries within driving distance.
What I'm here to write about is downtown Camden, and whether marijuana dispensaries should be allowed to set up shop here. My answer is "no". 
Camden is a place known for its abundance of outdoor recreation, its thriving local artisans, its beloved small businesses, and its fresh ocean air. To describe downtown Camden today is to summon words like clean, safe, wholesome, healthy, nostalgic, historic, family-friendly, and fresh – none of which feel in alignment with your average cannabis shop.
The natural beauty here stretches on for miles; but our tiny commercial district does not. It’s small, and so every storefront matters. I've seen the signs from proponents that say "More Reasons to Shop Camden."  But all I can envision is the inescapable smell of weed taking over Main Street, as it does in many cities these days. For many people, that would be one big reason NOT to shop Camden.
Over the years, we as a community have rejected national chain stores and fast food restaurants – intentional choices that have preserved our town’s unique sense of place. It’s now time to choose wisely again.
Please join me in voting no to Articles 3 and 4 on June 13.
Tom Rodman lives in Camden