Tuesday evening, Nov. 1

Rockport Select Board to consider easement for burying hotel power lines

Mon, 10/31/2022 - 8:15pm

    ROCKPORT — Tuesday evening, Nov. 1, the Rockport Select Board will consider approving an easement that will enable Stuart Smith to bury power and utility lines in Rockport Village, beneath the road to the new Rockport Harbor Hotel on Central Street.

    Town approval of the easement is necessary in order for Central Maine Power to proceed.

    “CMP requires an easement from the Town of Rockport as the vault for these buried lines would be within the town right of way,” wrote Town Manager Jon Duke, in his pre-meeting comments. 

    The underground vault is on the edge of the parking lot at the corner of Main and Central streets, overlooking the harbor.

    Duke said that if approved, CMP would be responsible for the vault’s maintenance.

    “In the near term, approval by the Select Board would authorize the Smiths to begin excavation and eventual road opening of Main Street to connect the vault to Sandy’s Way,” said Duke. “The Smiths have committed to conducting their work outside of high traffic hours during the cross of Main Street.”

    At that location, Main Street descends to the harbor and the commercial fishing docks. It is the only vehicular access to the harbor, and Rockport Marine.