Letter to the editor

Maine Lobster Festival Thanks Volunteers: Record-breaking year for annual event

Wed, 08/24/2022 - 8:00pm
The Maine Lobster Festival Board of Directors and Members would like to say a big thank you to all the volunteers who gave their time during the 75th Festival.
This year was record-breaking for the Festival not only in attendance but also in the number of lobsters served (over 22,000 pounds) and all profits are going right back into the community.
As a completely volunteer-run non-profit, the Festival could not happen without the hard work of volunteers. The Festival also relies heavily on volunteer groups that are sent from local businesses and organizations.
The Maine Lobster Festival would like to recognize the many businesses and organizations that sent groups of volunteers to the 2022 Festival, including Camden National Bank, Dragon Cement, UMA Rockland Center, Rockland Rotary, Dead River Company, Dream Local Digital, Maritime Energy, City of Rockland, Knights of Columbus Limerock Council, Bank of America, Knight Marine Service, Bolduc Prison Farm, Peter Overlock Construction, Park Street Car Wash, Acting Club, 4-H Club, Oceanside Basketball, and Pam Leach and the Corn Shuckers.
In addition to groups of volunteers from local businesses, the Maine Lobster Festival has many volunteers who start as visitors from all over the country and world, and then give back by signing up for a volunteer shift. Many Festival volunteers are also local, and the Board of Directors would love to have even more members of the local community get involved. Directors and members meet and work year-round to make the Festival happen, and are always looking for new members and ideas. Meetings are held the last Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm at the Maine Lighthouse Museum, and all are welcome.
Learn how you or your business can volunteer at the 2023 Maine Lobster Festival by visiting www.mainelobsterfestival.com.
About the Maine Lobster Festival
Five days of fun and feasting on the fabulous coast of Maine, the Maine Lobster Festival attracts thousands of people to the Midcoast region and has a long tradition of giving back to the local community. The 2023 Festival will be held Aug. 2-6. For more information about the Maine Lobster Festival, visit the website at www.mainelobsterfestival.com, like it on Facebook, follow it on Twitter at @MELobsterFest, and on Instagram at @mainelobsterfest.