Agenda set for SAD 28 board meeting March 16

Sun, 03/13/2022 - 5:00pm

CAMDEN — The agenda has been set for the next SAD 28 school board meeting Wednesday, March 16. 

The meeting will be held in the Bisbee Theater at Camden-Rockport Middle School at 7 p.m.

A livestream will be available here:


1. Call to Order

2. Adjustments to the Agenda

3. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda

4. Recognition
a. Camden Rockport Elementary Chess Club, Webber Cup Champions

5. Minutes
a. Approval of the February 16 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

6. Nominations (Note: Executive Sessions Possible for Nominations)
a. Stipend Nominations
Position Nominee Points Bonus Amount
CRMS Track and Field Co-Coach Ian McKenzie 23 0% $1,822.52
CRMS Track and Field Co-Coach Jim Morse 23 20% $2,187.02
CRMS Track and Field Assistant Coach* Jala Tooley 18 0% $1,426.32
CRMS Baseball Coach (7th) Jack Hopkins 26 0% $2,060.24
*If needed based on athlete numbers

7. Presentation – Band and Chorus Programs (Matthew Gordon and Jeffrey Maynard)

8. Rose Hall Update

9. Board Chair’s Report
a. Board Members Terms of Expiry
b. Board Workshop March 23.

10. Superintendent’s Report

11. Administrative Reports
a. Deb McIntyre, Assistant Superintendent
b. Jaime Stone, CRMS Principal - CRMS Feedback Summary
c. Chris Walker-Spencer, CRES Principal - CRES Feedback Summary
d. Valerie Mattes, Director of Student Special Services

12. Standing Committee Reports

a. Finance – Met February 16. 
i. FY23 Budget Updates
ii. FY22 Finance Update

b. Joint Policy 

c. Joint Personnel – Next Meeting March 28.

d. Joint Curriculum – Has not met.

13. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
a. Joint Communications 

14. Future Agenda Items

15. Adjourn