Letter to the editor

Searching for transparency in Rockport

Fri, 07/12/2024 - 9:00pm

Rockport resident Stephen Bowen points out in his letter to the Pilot on May 29, 2024, that the Rockport Resource has recently become taxpayer-funded political propaganda encouraging residents to vote in a certain way on town issues, with opponents of those measures being given no equivalent voice or any acknowledgement whatsoever.

I was reminded of Mr. Bowen's comments when the Rockport Select Board Chair said at the recent meeting on July 8, "as the Select Board has said all along, we were not opposed to the Article 15 citizens' initiative.  We did not campaign against it."  She goes on to say "we are absolutely committed to our voters."

When I look at her words and refer to the latest Rockport Resource, I see a large incongruity here.

So there was an unrecorded workshop for the Select Board held in June, during which the Select Board first discussed the process of creating a new committee, now labeled a task force. But, as far as I know, our residents were not informed of the existence of such a task force, nor were we aware of submission deadlines for volunteering for this task force.

Not surprisingly, at the July 8 Select Board meeting, there were only four residents who volunteered for this task. Why only four? 

Most of the people who live in Rockport had no idea that volunteers were being sought, and had no idea of the timeframes for submitting applications (the newest deadline is July 23, I think). 

Please stay tuned as this scenario unfolds, we will all be affected.  Thank you.

Marsha Steinglass lives in Rockport