Letter to the editor: Rockport needs better financial planning

Wed, 10/19/2016 - 3:30pm

When you open your Rockport ballot to vote, you will be presented with another multimillion dollar request from our selectmen and town manager for a capital expenditure for a new library.  

In June, when we voted, they asked for several hundred thousand for a study to spend multimillions to put internet throughout the Town. We still have a sidewalk to be rebuilt on Pascal, a fire station to expand in West Rockport, a new vocational high school proposal and a solution to our middle school problems. These are just the immediate projects that come to mind.  

During the past 10 years our taxes have doubled. A few years ago, our selectmen decided to abandon Steve Beveridge’s 15-year highway plan for capital improvements to reduce expenses. Now we have roads that are not being maintained and equipment that is at the end of its useful life.

I went to the town hall and asked if there was a capital plan. I was told we are in the process of putting one together.

Our selectmen and town manager are running blind. They are advocating expenditures without any knowledge as to where expenditures are going long term. Before we begin spending capital dollars, let’s direct the town manager and our selectmen to do their job and plan for our town’s future.

They do a good job on many issues, but financial planning is not one of them.  

Peter Hall lives in Rockport