Letter to the editor: Kathleen Meil will work tirelessly with all legislators

Mon, 10/24/2016 - 3:00pm

I am writing to ask voters of Camden, Rockport, and Islesboro to elect Kathleen Meil as our next state representative.

I first met Kathleen several weeks ago when she knocked on my door as she was driving around my neighborhood to meet potential voters. Before I even knew of her position on the important issues of the day, I sensed a warmth, a reasonableness, an enthusiasm, and a genuine dedication to our communities and our state.

After she left, I read her campaign flyer and went to her website. From these I learned that she is a working mom with two children in the public schools, a former teacher, and a staunch advocate for green energy, environmental protection, affordable health care, and a good education for all.

I called Kathleen and offered to drive her around as she knocked on other doors and visited other potential voters. The hours I spent with her substantiated my original impression that she is intelligent, reasonable, and willing to listen to and consider the views of people with whom she might not agree. This willingness to compromise is becoming a lost art in our government, but is so necessary for accomplishing anything important.

I believe she will work tirelessly with legislators of both parties to make life better for all Mainers, and I encourage everyone to vote for her on November 8.

Dottie Hokkanen lives in Camden