Letter to the editor: Fulford will represent

Mon, 10/10/2016 - 2:30pm

Driving around Waldo County, I am constantly told how to vote and who to vote for. So much information is available I worry that reading all this advice might make me a hazard to other people on the road. However, I've not seen any signs asking for my opinion. In November, I want to vote for someone who will representme! After all, aren't some of them even called representatives? To represent a group of people a person needs to listen, I mean really listen, to what everyone is saying - whether they agree with them or not. Are they concerned about refugees, or the price of milk? Do they want the roads paved and decreased taxes or are they OK with just paving the roads? Then take all this information to Augusta and work for the good of the greatest number of us. That's representation!

I've known Jonathan Fulford a long time in a number of different ways; a neighbor always willing to help, the father of that child on my team, a professional I've hired to work on my house, a friend. When you see a person in different situations, you really get to know who they are. Jonathan is someone who cares deeply about his children and your children and the place where they will live and work and raise their families. When I talk with him, he asks what I'm thinking and I can tell he is really listening. I am voting for Jonathan because I know he will represent all of us, whether he agrees with us or not. In the words of former senator Olympia Snowe, "You can never solve a problem without talking to people with whom you disagree."

Jonathan will work hard to solve problems.

Michael Schaab lives in Monroe