John Bell of the Iona Community is coming to Maine, March 25-29

Wed, 03/16/2022 - 3:15pm

Rev. John Bell, preacher, hymn writer, song leader, and member of the Iona Community in Scotland, will be visiting Maine from March 25 through March 29. Reverend Bell will be visiting several church communities, leading a variety of workshops over five days and a Sunday morning worship service on March 27 at the First Congregational Church of Camden.

Bell will share his messages through singing and exploring various dimensions of faithful and engaged living. All events are open to the public (free will offering), and several require pre-registration.

Read individual listings for instructions. For more information on events and local COVID protocols, and Zoom invites to specific events, please contact each host.


Friday, March 25, 2022 in Belfast
6:00-8:00 pm, at The First Church in Belfast, UCC - In Person
Workshop: A Celtic Christian View of Creation
104 Church St, Belfast;; 207-338-2282

The Celtic tradition in Christianity began in Ireland and quickly spread to Scotland, Wales and England between the 4th and 6th centuries. It had - and still has - a distinctive understanding regarding the relationship between humanity and the earth, closely associated with its understanding of the Incarnation as more than a babyfest. This seminar looks at how the insights from this ancient tradition bear relevance to the way in which we relate to the world today, and will draw on poetry and prose both ancient and modern.


Saturday, March 26, 2022 in Rockland and Camden
10:00 am-12:30 pm, at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Rockland – Zoom* and In Person
Workshop: Ancient Celtic Gifts for Modern Times
11 White St, Rockland;, 207-594-8191

The Celtic tradition developed in the British Isles between the 4th and 6th centuries. It had minimal contact with the Roman church and therefore was able to develop some distinct characteristics which are pertinent to the life of the church today. These include a relational rather than academic understanding of the Bible, a comprehensive pattern of daily prayer, and a high valuing of lay leadership. In this seminar we explore how some of these insights can enliven both our personal spirituality and the church’s worship.

4:00-6:00 pm, at First Congregational Church, Camden, UCC – Zoom* and In Person Big Sing!
- A Time of Song and Stories – In-Person Preregistration Required
55 Elm St., Camden;, 207-236-4821

Everybody can sing. This is John Bell’s consistent claim when faced with people who have been consigned to silence by the memory of a sadistic choir director who told them to mime. There will be new songs and
old songs, songs from around the globe, songs which don’t need music and songs for the seasons of Lent and Easter. Oh, and a lot of stories.


Sunday, March 27, 2022 in Camden
9:30-10:30 am, at First Congregational Church, Camden, UCC – Zoom* and In Person John Bell
Preaching in Sunday Morning Worship
55 Elm St., Camden;, 207-236-4821

10:45 am-12:30 pm at First Congregational Church, Camden, UCC – Zoom* and In Person
Workshop: The Love of God and Global Warming
55 Elm St., Camden;, 207-236-4821

Why is it only recently that the Christian Churches have taken note of Global Warming? Is there anything specific which the Judaeo-Christian tradition has to offer to the debate? And why should we bother anyway? These and other issues will be unpacked in this workshop.


Monday, March 28, 2022 in Bar Harbor
10:00 am-12:00 noon in Acadia National Park “Sacred Spaces and Thin Places: a conversation on creation care with John Bell” – Not a public event; recording will be made available later.

6:00-7:30 pm Bar Harbor Congregational Church, UCC – Zoom* and In Person Workshop: Missing Women in Scripture. 29 Mt. Desert St., Bar Harbor;, 207-288-3280

The notion has crept through the centuries that when God made women, they were intended to be models of obedience, meekness, motherliness and calm. Finding such women in the Bible is rather difficult. But of brave, defiant, controversial, transformative women there are many examples. Is it just that there hasn’t been enough time to learn about them? Or have they been too hot for men to handle?


Tuesday, March 29, 2022 in Farmington
6:00-8:00 pm, at Old South Church Farmington, UCC – Zoom* and In Person
Workshop: Improving Congregational Song – Preregistration required
235 Main Street, Farmington;, 207-778-0424

The primary voice of praise in the church is not the organ pipes or the practice choir, but the congregation. That’s why Psalm 100 demands that “all people” should sing. But not much time is normally given to enabling a congregation to sing or to increase its repertoire. Such things are two of John Bell’s passions which he will be keen to share with people who know they can sing and with those who think they cannot.