Deadline Friday afternoon for Camden property owners to schedule hearings over valuation disputes

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 3:00pm

    CAMDEN — Two weeks ago, Camden property owners received letters from the town office, notifying them of their revised property valuations. A full revaluation took place this past year, pushing Camden’s total valuation to $2.4 billion, up $743 million from the 2023 $1.6 billion in 2023.

    Now, property owners have until Friday afternoon, 4:30 p.m., July 19, to sign up for hearings with the company hired by Camden to conduct the revaluation, if they dispute the valuation figures they have been assessed.

    Property owners received letters with the details for scheduling hearings with KRT Appraisal representatives, and many have already filled the available time slots.

    Currently, the schedule is full through July 22 with some spots available toward the end next week, and bookings are almost to the end of July. KRT will continue to hold hearings until the list is done.

    Camden Assessor Kerry Leichtman said the contract with KRT is for a certain set period of time; hence the deadline for property owners to sign up to schedule a hearing. If property owners do not make tomorrow afternoon’s deadline for scheduling a hearing, then the municipal assessor’s office will pick up conducting their own hearings.

    However, Leichtman said KRT representatives know better the minutiae of the recent revaluation.

    Once the hearings are completed, KRT will send property owners another letter informing them of any adjustments made to their valuations. If there is cause for another visit to homes and businesses, Camden’s assessing personnel will go and, as Leichtman said, put eyes on the property.

    After any changes are incorporated and final numbers are calculated, Leichtman will then set the mil rate and send out tax bills.

    KRT is beginning to conduct Rockport’s revaluation and doing visits in earnest starting tomorrow, July 19, in that town, said Leichtman. 

    Property owners there are being notified via postcards that house visits will be made within the subsequent 45 days.

    The Camden letter to property owners reads:

    Dear Camden Taxpayer:

    July 5, 2024

    We have completed a revaluation of all property in Camden for the April 1, 2024 tax rolls. Shown below is the new value of your property, as established by KRT Appraisal working with my office. This new assessment represents your property’s fair market value as determined by sales in Camden from April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024.

    We do not yet know what your property tax will be because the mil rate will not be determined until mid- August. We do know it will be less than its current $13.80 level.

    Camden taxpayers, who sign up for a hearing, will have the opportunity to discuss the new assessment with a KRT representative. All hearings will take place over the phone. Topics of discussion can include the revaluation process, data on the property record card, the market value itself and any other relevant information as it relates to your assessment.

    KRT will book hearing appointments with all who call during the sign-up period. Caitlin and I are here anytime to meet with you to discuss your property value, but this is your opportunity to speak with the people who did the revaluation work.

    If you wish to schedule a phone hearing with a representative of KRT Appraisal, please call 1-855-228- 4033 weekdays from July 8 through July 19 from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Please keep in mind that operators making appointments cannot discuss values or data. Meetings will be scheduled in one-hour blocks. Someone from KRT will call the number you provide within the hour block you sign up for.

    Viewing Tax Data at Home: If you like, you can view assessment information at the Town’s revaluation web site,, and at The sites will show value summary and revaluation information.