‘We know that it's not just the meal we deliver’

Couples volunteering make the miles fly by

Wed, 03/02/2022 - 1:00pm

Kathleen and Bob Hirsch love giving their time bringing meals to seniors through the Knox County MCH Meals on Wheels program. They have one of the longer routes, winding on rural roads through Union and surrounding towns. Couples often enjoy doing longer routes because they can get out of the house and spend time together while providing a meaningful service. According to Kathleen, it would feel longer if someone were to drive it alone, “Bob does the driving and I hop out and take the food to the door,” she says.

A varying number of people depend on the meals they bring, and the service extends beyond food. Although Kathleen and Bob don’t always see the people while dropping off meals, the visit also serves as a friendly call.

“We know that it's not just the meal we deliver, but also the fact that someone cares. The Hirsches exemplify that,” said Liz Schuh, executive director for MCH, Inc, in a news release. “We are so grateful for the Hirsches and all our wonderful volunteers.”

When asked what led them to volunteer at Meals on Wheels in October 2021, they said Kathleen’s father drove Meals on Wheels when he retired in 1980 and they learned about the local program through friends. They both had previously volunteered with many organizations in the Midcoast, from big events, building low-income housing, as well as hospice and soup kitchens. When Covid hit, all those activities stopped. “When our friends suggested Meals on Wheels, the idea of just getting out of our house, while also volunteering, really appealed to us,” says Kathleen. 

Bob says, “It’s a long route, but it doesn’t have an awful lot of people on it. You know, we’ve only got 13 or 14 stops, but they’re miles apart. I like that neck of the woods. It’s beautiful out there. And the fact that we’re doing it together makes it way more efficient. While Kathleen is taking the meal up, I can be turning the car around and getting the directions for the next stop. I think  it’s been good that we’ve done it together.” He relates that sometimes during the pandemic, the only activity there was to do was go for a drive. Volunteering gave purpose to those drives. 

When asked why they chose Meals on Wheels, Bob explained that the program is well-organized, and he gives a lot of credit to Program Coordinator Katie Tarbox. He says, “I was very impressed with her. She somehow keeps straight in her head, a tremendous amount of data. She took us out on the route, which, had she not done that, we’d still be out there the first time driving around looking for places.” He also says the program runs like clockwork, with meals ready and waiting thanks to Kitchen Manager Ernie Bullard and his staff, well-marked with recipient names and addresses. They both also mentioned how easy it was to get started with the program and feeling valued and recognized as volunteers. 

Bob and Kathleen recently told a couple who is moving here about the program, touting it as something the couple could do together. If you are looking for something meaningful to do with your sweetie, perhaps volunteering for a Meals on Wheels route might be worth looking into! Spend time together, get out of the house, enjoy the scenery and be a lifeline for those who need a meal and a friendly face. 

To inquire about volunteering for Meals on Wheels or to refer someone in need anywhere in Knox County, please call Katie Tarbox, 207-701-9641, or email her at ktarbox@mchinc.org


MCH empowers individuals, primarily older adults and people with disabilities, to maintain independent, active lives by providing them access to housing, Meals on Wheels and support services. Since 1969 MCH’s programs have provided a critical safety net for the most vulnerable members of our community; elderly and disabled individuals with few financial resources. The dedicated MCH team of service professionals, volunteer drivers, nutritionists, cooks, community partners, and donors is committed to helping them maintain their independence for as long as possible. MCH Meals on Wheels is the only Meals on Wheels program serving Knox County.


To make an end of the year donation online to Knox County Meals on Wheels, you can visit us online at www.mchinc.org/donate or mail a check to 46 Summer St., Rockland Maine 04841.