Letter to the Editor

Camden American Legion needs your help

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 5:00pm

American Legion Post 30 in Camden is looking for help in raising money to have their parking lot repaved.

Post guests know of the travails of walking in the lot attempting to enter the post as there are several obstacles which meet them along the way.

Perhaps a little background to better let you know why the post needs help in this project. The parking lot was originally laid in, well in actuality, current members can’t recall when it was laid down, maybe around 1966. Unfortunately, everyone does know that it is hazardous in areas with crumbling asphalt, large pieces broken, deep ruts from frost heaves and rocks working their way to the surface.

Why is the post seeking donations? Simple answer is the post could in fact pay for the entire project, but that would leave the post without the necessary funds to operate and provide the services to the community that happen on a recurring basis, such as, 2 scholarships, providing ceremonies on Memorial Day, Halloween, and Veterans Day. Nor would the post have needed funds to pay needed operating expenses.

We know the current parking situation is not ideal, which is why the post has received several estimates and has decided to go with the Discount Paving at a cost of $29,936.00. Through their own generosity they provided the post with a donation of their own to drop their costs for the project.

The post has raised $8,000.00 toward the project through member donations and hosting bean suppers. Unfortunately, it will take us much more time than we have to continue to rely on the suppers to pay for the project and of course the cost of asphalt will not be going down anytime soon.

Post 30 is looking to its many community friends and asking them to donate toward the cost of the paving. Donations in the names of a family Veteran or friend who is a Veteran are encouraged and will be displayed at the post.

Donations in any amount can be sent to American Legion Post 30, PO Box 187, Camden, ME 04843, or call Rosey Gerry at 975-5432 or Jeff Sukeforth at 691-2270 and they will pick up your donation.

If you would like to speak to either Rosey or Jeff, call us and we will gladly set up an opportunity to speak to you in person.