The Basketball House: Top Flight Training Series

Players are made in the summer!
Wed, 07/17/2013 - 2:00pm

Every summer people send out e-mails to me asking if I know where their son or daughter can go to basketball camp and which once's are the best. So I find what I can and there are a number of them and let them know that camps are for some kids and not for some others. My experience is the kids get the most out of week long camps when they are in middle school.

This year when I was asked I found out that Mike Woodbury, the owner of MBNation Basketball Club and the Basketball House was offering something a little different then a camp. I immediately checked in with "Woody" and decided I needed to check it out on my own.

This past Tuesday we headed off to Saco to take in a training session. Camden Hills student athlete Maddie Bowman went with us to participate for her third time this summer. Maddie is a young lady that loves the game of basketball and is willing and ready to do whatever she can to improve her game. I believe if you asked her, he would love to be there for every session.

For those of you that do not know Maddie, she is very quite, polite girls that absorbs what ever you are telling her about the game like a sponge. Woody was very impressed with Maddie the first time she came down and was happy to see her back again.  Tuesday, Maddie was one of 26 players that came for the three hour training session and one of only three girls. In the winter you will get to see how much this girl has improved her game since last season. Hard work, playing and practicing with the best makes the game come easier.

The first thing I noticed about the players in attendance was how they all openly and happily took the time to show new players how to do the drills and giving them some pointers. On this day there were a number of Woody's players in attendance and having done all of this over and over, made it like their were more then just one coach on the two courts located inside the Basketball House.

Woody opened the Basketball House three years ago at 11 Mill St in Saco where he offerers private lessons, clinics, leagues and of course Top Flight Training. The Basketball house has two good size courts, is a clean, well kept and is a nicely run family business.

Tuesday was incredibly hot outside and much hotter in the Basketball House. I will state it now, my only complaint about the Basketball House is it needs to have air conditioning installed. Playing as hard as those kids did Tuesday in that heat is probably not healthy. I will say, not one of them complained. Most were disappointed when it was over.

According to the MBNation Web site, The Top Flight Training Series combines years of experience, cutting edge training techniques and elite instruction to all players who are looking to improve on their skills and take their game to the next level. I would have to agree with this based on what I saw.
The Top Flight Series offers a comprehensive training course that can help basketball players of all ages (7-18) improve the various college ready aspects of the game. The program is designed to maximize the players potential through a series of comprehensive drills and skills.
Here are things emphasized during the sessions: Ball Handling and breaking down defenders, Shooting (Technique and Form), Shooting on the Move/Off the Dribble, Finishing in the Paint, -Moving without the ball/using screens, Creating Space, Position Development (Point Guard, Wing, Post), Triple Threat Moves to Improve Scoring Opportunities,  Defense, Strength/Conditioning and Reading the Floor/Decision Making. All things that with hard work make your game better.

At $45. per three hour session it is much less then any four or five day camp that most players attend in the summer. At the beginning of the season, The Basketball House offered all 11 sessions for $450.  the normal cost of most 4-5 day camps.

Money aside, location aside, (it's a drive to Saco for anyone north of Lewiston), but the training that one gets, if it was twice as much would be worth it. If there is one thing that Mr. Woodbury is, it is that he is a walking, talking, encyclopedia of basketball knowledge. I believe that Woody forgets more about the game in his sleep then I have learned in my 15 years of coaching. Woodbury lives and breaths basketball. It is in his blood, it is part of who he is and after a few rough years being involved with some people that were not a good fit, Woody has found his calling and has made MBNation the largest and most successful basketball club in the state and it is the clinics like Top Flight Training that has done that.

When you take your son or daughter to the Basketball House, sit and watch and listen for a while. You will not see anyone fooling around, when coach is talking, no one else is and all eyes are on Woody. Why, because they are being pushed to the limit by someone that they know is there to help them improve their game. I have never seen 26 players work so hard for three hours with not a single complaint. It was truly remarkable from a coaches perspective to see this mutual respect between a coach and a large number of players.

One of the things Woody said to the players that I really appreciated was, "Where are all your friends today? Sitting on the beach having a good time while you are all here improving your skills  in the game you love. The summer is where players are made"

There are still five Top Flight Training session left this summer, they all run from 10 am - 1 pm, Thursday, July 18; Wednesday, July 31; Tuesday, August 6; Thursday, August 8; and the final Wednesday, August 14. If you can make one of these sessions, you ail want to make all of them in future years.

Overall I thought this was the best run, most efficient basketball training session I have ever seen, participated in or taught. Seemed like every time  Woody opened his mouth I was learning something new or at least a better way of teaching it. I know I wish we could either clone Woody or he was located in the Midcoast. This type of training and a place like the Basketball House is just what we need here in the Midcoast. For now, I will take the time to travel, its well worth the trip.

Also in talking with Woody, high school, junior high and youth coaches. If you want to learn a new way, some new drills, talk basketball,  the Basketball House and Mike Woodbury are ready and able to help you improve your teams game. Give him a call or stop in and see him.

For more information about the Basketball House check out the MBNation Basketball Club web site.

Here is a link to some photos from the session

Ron Hawkes can be reached at